Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

Oh yeah, maybe not an ignorant comment, but a pretty funny one is one made by a friend of mine. He's usally a bit confused, doesn't really have control of anything (constantly late for instance) and lots of times when he says something he mixes all kinds of stuff together. But anyway, we were watching that Guns N' Roses "Use your illusion II" video from Tokyo and he said "Whateeh...is this from Japan or something, I think they all look Chinese?"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
these are the things that people have said to me that i can remeber

-your a conformist who cant think outside the box as you like Joy Division and Opeth and I like Starsalior and Britney Spears

-Slipknot are the hardest band in the world and all this european bollocks is bunch of weirdos ripping them off with shitty vocals

-staind and the murderdolls are hardcore gothic metal

-in flames is just meaningless and abstract noise

-i like Burzurm as they kill people and burn down churches

-havent the haunted and Catherdral been around since the 80's
Originally posted by Board
I still don't see what's so wrong about those remarks! :err:

HA! You're a laughing stock of your OWN thoughts here! You JUST WROTE THIS:

I don't know if you haven't heard this, but music is 100% a matter of taste!! There's no right and wrong when it comes to taste! I've said this a million times, but it seems like some people still don't get it (I guess they're ignorant )!
Are you less ignorant saying that Iron Maiden are better than Korn? I don't think so! Are you less ignorant saying they're ignorant 'cause they think Linkin Park is the best band ever? I don't think so!

Using this logic, which to be clear, is in YOUR WORDS, you are ignorant.

EDIT: I've left my original post up, primarily because I really hate when people don't own up to things they've said, but I've now re-read what Board posted and I believe it's a misunderstanding of what he intended. By saying "I still don't see what's wrong with these remarks" I'm pretty sure now that Board meant there's nothing wrong with someone saying "80s metal sucks" simply because such a statement is THAT person's opinion and therefore cannot be right or wrong. Anyway, I think that's what he meant. If not, heh, my original posting stands. ;)
Originally posted by kollex
beware the in flamers will out to get you after that
and if you think in flame is tuneless wait til you hear immolation

Hmmm... Where I come from, calling someone a "flamer" is to call them gay.:rolleyes:

And Immolation are bloody awful. You're right- tuneless, right alongside Suffocation. They are two of the worst brutal death metal bands ever, but for some strange reason are thought of a scene leaders...
You cannot use opinion as a matter of justification. There is no question as to whether Iron Maiden is better than Korn, though there may be question as to which YOU like more. Know the difference, bub.
Originally posted by Messiah_May86
ohhhh im scared hairy blokes are gonna get me, oh help me im being attacked by odd long haired lady men :P

ah you a long time ago we has something known as a In Flames forum where the in flamers could roam free and communiate amongst themselves without any injury to the general populace buth then the in flames forum vanished and the miscreant slipped into the overall population and could strike at any minute
ignorance \Ig"no*rance\, n. [F., fr. L. ignorantia.] 1. The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed.

stupidity \Stu*pid"i*ty\, n. [L. stupiditas: cf. F. stupidit['e].] 1. The quality or state of being stupid; extreme dullness of perception or understanding; insensibility; sluggishness.

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!! A matter of opinion is NOT ignorance, but MAY be conveyed as stupidity.
Originally posted by Vim Fuego

And Immolation are bloody awful. You're right- tuneless, right alongside Suffocation. They are two of the worst brutal death metal bands ever, but for some strange reason are thought of a scene leaders...

Poser Alert!! Poser alert!! Ther's a poser in our presence! Go back to whatever the fuck it is you listen to..
Originally posted by Papa Josh
Poser Alert!! Poser alert!! Ther's a poser in our presence! Go back to whatever the fuck it is you listen to..

So not liking Immolation and Suffocation makes me a poser? That's pretty fucking ignorant of you right there.:rolleyes: I like brutal death metal. I just happen to think Immolation and Suffocation are not very good. Please be fucking yourself with a big spiky cactus at your leisure.
No you are a poser because you don't know why they are considered scene leaders. They were pioneers of the genre, that's why. They laid the blueprint for half of what is out there, and to be honest, only a handful in the "brutal death metal" world have even come close.

Close To A World Below is leagues ahead of their competition as is Unholy Cult. And don't even get me started in regards to Pierced from Within.

So who are the "tuneful" songwriters in the brutal genre? I'd like to know...
Originally posted by Papa Josh
No you are a poser because you don't know why they are considered scene leaders. They were pioneers of the genre, that's why. They laid the blueprint for half of what is out there, and to be honest, only a handful in the "brutal death metal" world have even come close.

Close To A World Below is leagues ahead of their competition as is Unholy Cult. And don't even get me started in regards to Pierced from Within.

So who are the "tuneful" songwriters in the brutal genre? I'd like to know...

I know damn well WHY they are considered to be scene leaders. I've been listening to this stuff since the late 80s, dickhead. There are just so many bands who do it better than them. It's a shame they get the credit for what the likes of Repulsion and Autopsy started. I have "Pierced From Within". It is one dimensional and dull as fuck.
Originally posted by Papa Josh
Since the late '80s huh? Well that's no large feat considering I have as well..

Pierced From Within one dimensional and dull as fuck. Now I know you are a poser. You know what happens to posers don't you?

Oh why do i bother? Just quiet your piehole...

Yeah, why did you bother? It's narrowminded elitist attitudes like yours which give metal fans a bad name.