Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?


I just like calling you that.

I just can't believe someone who claims to like brutal death metal can sit there with a straight face and say Immolation are tuneless and bloody awful along with Suffocation who you claim are dull and one dimensional... where did you get your brutal death metal education? Kerrang? Frank Mullen is and always will be one of the best brutal death metal vocalists ever. And that's not narrowminded, that is substantiated by the opinions of most of the rest of us out there.

:worship: Immolation

:worship: Suffocation

:puke: Posers
Frank Mullen is a fucking awful vocalist. He's even more monotonous than fucking Chris Barnes. I get more enjoyment out of Nile, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Tangaroa, Incantation, Cattle Decapitation, Cock And Ball Toruture, even fucking Mortician than I ever have from Suffocation or Immolation. Keep living in the past if it makes you happy.
"you became preppy"(this came from a guy who didn't even like metal and thought the best band ever was Korn but he started hanging out with metalheads and thought he was "evil" and when I stopped liking black metal he said that to me,of course I punched him and humilliated him)
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
Frank Mullen is a fucking awful vocalist. He's even more monotonous than fucking Chris Barnes. I get more enjoyment out of Nile, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Tangaroa, Incantation, Cattle Decapitation, Cock And Ball Toruture, even fucking Mortician than I ever have from Suffocation or Immolation. Keep living in the past if it makes you happy.

Now not only are you a poser, but you must be smoking crack as well... Mullen eats Barnes for an afternoon snack. And all of those bands you mentioned wouldn't have meant shit without Suffocation. Deny the past, but you can't change it.

And for the record, I didn't become a fan of Immolation until Failures For Gods. That one and the other two previously mentioned form the unholy trinity.:headbang:
You is full of shit, Hank Hill. As much as it hurts a tr00 fan like you to admit it, Cannibal Corpse has done more than any other band to bring brutal death metal to the masses. Mortician pre-date them, and Suffocation got dumped by their label. It all got done before, done bigger and done better.
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
As much as it hurts a tr00 fan like you to admit it, Cannibal Corpse has done more than any other band to bring brutal death metal to the masses.

Why? Because they were in 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective'? :lol:
Originally posted by markgugs
EDIT: I've left my original post up, primarily because I really hate when people don't own up to things they've said, but I've now re-read what Board posted and I believe it's a misunderstanding of what he intended. By saying "I still don't see what's wrong with these remarks" I'm pretty sure now that Board meant there's nothing wrong with someone saying "80s metal sucks" simply because such a statement is THAT person's opinion and therefore cannot be right or wrong. Anyway, I think that's what he meant. If not, heh, my original posting stands. ;)
That's what I meant alright! I can see that you could have read it the other way and I thought of that right after I had posted it actually, but didn't change it. Personally I don't like Korn, but if anyone does they're more than welcome to do so - It doesn't matter to me!
I just can't believe someone who claims to like brutal death metal can sit there with a straight face and say Immolation are tuneless and bloody awful along with Suffocation who you claim are dull and one dimensional... where did you get your brutal death metal education? Kerrang? Frank Mullen is and always will be one of the best brutal death metal vocalists ever. And that's not narrowminded, that is substantiated by the opinions of most of the rest of us out there.
Well, most of the world today think Britney Spears makes great music, so why don't you run out and buy her records?!?!?!
I love it:

fan A: "I don't like In Flames"
fan B: "you don't!?!? YOU SUCK!!! FAG!!! POSEUR!!!"

Last time I checked musical taste was a matter of opinion. I'll ask why people don't like a certain band, but I don't jump down their throat because they don't like my favorite band.

I don't like Suffocation either, therefore I must be a poseur too, because after all what my ears enjoy is dictated by some fucko on an internet message board.

From someone on the Iron Maiden BB:

Subject line: "I got my tickets to Opeth -- And I'm rippin em up"


UGH I knew it.

Chums to Kell : You're going to Opeth , right?

Kell: Ah well you know the music didn't sound like stuff I'd listent o.

Chums: Well we bought you a ticket already. Just listen to this CD it's melodic like Maiden.


So I called said chums and said. Now you all know my little issue with people actually being able to hold a note and you want me to go listen to Cancer Throat and it's at the Trocadero? (the shittiest venue in Philly)


Who tells these people to sing? fuckin hell that was a disgusting experience.


I'm all for opinion and everything else but this is a different kind of issue, I'd say.
This "poseur" shit is really wearing thin....technically, anyone who cares about/changes their appearance/clothes etc is a "poseur".....who the hell cares anyway?

Hating "poseurs" is pointless.

A mental block is preventing me from saying anything more intelligent than that, for now.....
Frank Mullen is a fucking awful vocalist. He's even more monotonous than fucking Chris Barnes. I get more enjoyment out of Nile, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Tangaroa, Incantation, Cattle Decapitation, Cock And Ball Toruture, even fucking Mortician than I ever have from Suffocation or Immolation. Keep living in the past if it makes you happy.
This is one of the stupiest comment i seen in a long time right in this thread.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
Why? Because they were in 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective'? :lol:

They have received a lot of mainstream media attention for their artwork and lyrical content. A bunch of religious crackpots went after them. They have been banned in a number of countries. True, it's not what you'd call positive publicity, but it's all good publicity. And yes, they were in Ace Ventura...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Vim Fuego
They have received a lot of mainstream media attention for their artwork and lyrical content. A bunch of religious crackpots went after them. They have been banned in a number of countries. True, it's not what you'd call positive publicity, but it's all good publicity. And yes, they were in Ace Ventura...:rolleyes:

So basically what you're saying is that Cannibal Corpse are in it for the shock value to cause publicity. Making them no better than Marilyn manson.
Originally posted by Divine_intent
This is one of the stupiest comment i seen in a long time right in this thread.

Well, I'm listening to Pierced From Within right now (oh no! A poser listening to Suffocation!:eek: That makes Suffocation a poser band now!:eek: ), and like I remembered, Mullen's voice is a monotone. He has no sense of dynamics or individual identity. There is no way at all this band stands out from any one of hundreds of brutal death metal bands.