Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

the most ignorant thing i ever heard was with a a convo with me and a "friend"

"friend": who is micheal stanne
Me: Hes the singer from dark tranquility
"friend": another crap band
Me: You havnt even heard them
"friend": they must be crap you like them
Me: thats narrow minded
"friend": no its not you listen to crap like children of bodom they are shit nirvana are way better.

Thats fucking ignorant beyond belief !!!!!
Somebody thought that if they smoked a joint they would have a bad trip, freak out, and be scarred for life.

The whole Metallica thing.

People that say Cradle of Filth suck because they don't like Dani.

Any post that ever said one band is better than another band, like good music taste is completely objective.

Calling Bal-sagoth black metal but Dissection not.

Hmmmm... a couple of replies to this thread confuse ignorance with stupidity, that is ignorant as well.
SculptedCold thats not the point im getting at but automatically saying dark tranquility is shit because i listen to them is fucking ignorant and besides he even says nirvana have more talent than bodom..................MY ARSE !!!
I refuse to engage in another Dimmu Borgir argument. I merely find it extremely ignorant labelling DB as black metal. Sue me.
Originally posted by Papa Josh
Don't take dreamlord so seriously when it comes to Dimmu Borgir... he doesn't really know enough about them to comment on them with any REAL authority. :p

:lol: Bah. WHat authority do I need? I, at one time or another, have owned all of their albums. Stormblast was the best one as a whole. But the songs with Simen (especially the magnificent "Insight and the Catharsis") are very good.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: They should fire Shagrath and make Simen lead vocalist.

They are bubble gum metal.

(this is my last post related to DB. The debate is meaningless)