What's wrong with the Barack?

on spending, Lynn, you should really take a basic economics course. Spending now is not making us worse off, it prevent a depression. It is basic. Right now, the money supply is rapidly contracting as a result of distress in financial markets. When money dissapears from an economy, deflation may occur and unemployment soars. So what is Obama doing by spending is simply replenishing the money supply through a deficit. This will be necessary until the financial system becomes well capitalized enough to take risks and leverage loans, and therefore contribute to an expanding money supply. A growing economy needs a growing money supply or you are fucked. That is the simplified part. Now, democrats in congress have not been doing quite the right kind of spending, but that is a whole different story.

Warren Buffet and pretty much every person who was around for the New Deal would like to have a word with you...
what we need is another world war so people will buy all our steel and weapons an shit. too bad europe has turned into a bunch of pussy queers, who are afraid to hurt the little feelings of some raghead scumbags! wheres the nationalism? wheres the pride? wheres the contempt for neighboring countries? what the fuck is the world coming to?!
Warren Buffet and pretty much every person who was around for the New Deal would like to have a word with you...

The New Deal came too late and did not prevent deflation because deflation the GDP already dropped 25% before it was enacted. The New Deal caused some inflation and some poor growth, because it was poorly timed, not because it was spending.If the New Deal would have come two years earlier, shit would have been much better.

The great depression, according to Milton Friedman--the granddady of supply-side economics, the Republican approach--the Depression was caused by two things: first, the Federal Reserve Board did not cut interest rates and allowed too many banks to fail and did not stem bank runs. Second, the huge tariffs republicans pushed in the early 30s which sparked trade wars, virtually destroying the markets for American exports, taking importers out of business, and crushing global trade.
I can't believe I actually just witnessed someone comparing Soviet Russia to Canada. I suppose us Brits are damn commies then too?

I don't see a "comparison" of Russia to Canada in that statement.
Just stating some wonderful qualities of both governments which reek of socialism and Big Brother.
For example, in having a reflection of:

* Waiting 4 hours in a line for bread
* Socialized health care (wait,wait and wait...even when going to the ER)
* Outlawed firearms
* Taxation to death

Most of the immigration stamps in my passports since the 1980's bare a star...so, I'm able to recognize what the U.S. has been, and how it has come closer to a society where the majority of citizens work for the government.
Secondly, I have a residence in a communist country and have visited hospitals, been in the lines in government office, and partook of having to hand over $ to get something done within the office because the F'n government worker doesn't feel "compelled" to do their job. The U.S. will now breed mediocrity.

As for the "commie Brits" statement. Nah, not yet...I just view England as: Fucked up as the U.S. Pussyfied into letting pieces of shit into the country and get so large that they make trouble and/or eventually manipulate the government.
I also think a final nail in the coffin of the world was when The UK handed Hong Kong back over and solidified the entire eastern coast of Asia (aside from the 38th parallel peninsula), to be communist and giving China all that port revenue, to benefit their military.
Also, as a former menace and oppressor to cultures and civilizations, primarily to the Middle East and Asian countries I've been in. But NOT commies, yet.

We will be like Canada, and less of what we were...and the UK will be part of this F'd up global plan as well- "Children of a common mother"/ "Brethren dwelling together in unity"

Well, that's my political rant for 2009. See ya next year...comrades. Good day :)
We have achieved critical mass.

But yeah, here's to hoping the prez reads this thread :kickass:
I really really love how Americans start comparing the US to other countries they've never been to, much less lived in.

I also love the fact that all of a sudden Americans are somehow flabbergasted at the thought of spending money they don't have, as if it's anything different than they've been doing for the past 50 years in their personal lives.

That's like smoking every day until your 90 years old and then quitting and chastising the rest of the world for smoking. Oh wait, they do that too, that's not just a metaphor.
Basically retired at 36, what do I know? :)

I see what you're saying, but wealth does not equal wisdom. Just look at W.

I understand that you've made a mint for yourself, and more power to you. However, you're in a biased position so your opinion is kinda moot. While you're afraid of having to pay higher taxes and lose more of your WEALTH, some people in the US are eating hand to mouth and have to sell their homes to afford medical treatments. I'm not for socializing the health care system, but something has to be done to change direction.

Also, please don't spout off about how many sacrifices you've made to get where you are, it's really insulting to those of us who have made real sacrifices.
All I can say is, Fuck you. I'm not even going to dignify your generalization.

Fuck you too. I don't see the generalization. Americans have some of the worst financial histories in the world due to spending money they don't have because they have to keep up with the Joneses. Just because you got pussy hurt doesn't make it any less true.
Man, what the hell has happened to the Republican Party? Growing up I remember looking at conservatives as businessmen who kept the economy rolling, were for small government, lower taxes, and pro-military. I remember thinking, what's so bad about all of that?

It's only as I got older that I realized how they've perverted themselves into being BIG businessmen whose tax breaks really only help the extremely wealthy, have traded in their small government ethics for a Big Brother state, and who aren't pro-military anymore, just pro-use of force. They really have to reinvent themselves because we can't afford any more Sean Hannitys, John Boltons, or Dick Cheneys.
Fuck you too. I don't see the generalization. Americans have some of the worst financial histories in the world due to spending money they don't have because they have to keep up with the Joneses. Just because you got pussy hurt doesn't make it any less true.
No, your Euro-centric bias is the problem. There are a good lot of us trying damn hard to work off the stereotype and work for the money we earn, not spending it freely when we didn't even have it to begin with. Then you god damned cock-puffers come in and try to claim what we do is for naught because of a specific longitude and latitude we happen to be situated in. If this is going to be how foreign relations work from now on, then you can take Italy and stuff it up your ass.
What the fuck does this have to do with Europe, Italy, or anything else in the eastern hemisphere? And in typical fashion, you get offended by a fact and start throwing shit at people because you feel they're attacking you for being American, when you've missed the point completely. Why don't you just shout "9/11!!!!!!" and get it over with?

How the fuck is a statistic a Euro-centric bias? I'm not breaking your balls here, man, I'm telling you what you already knew. Again, you have to learn that just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. AND I didn't single you out and say you're a lazy POS who spends all his money on doughnuts and crack and LCD Widescreen tvs. But the fact of the matter is that Americans are in deep shit with credit card companies because Americans spend too freely without restraint. Does that mean EVERYONE in the US? Of course not, but you take it personally because it comes from me and because I'm fucking right, and you don't like that. I know there are a lot of people in the US trying to change, but do you want an E for effort or something? A bouncing rubber cookie maybe? What I'm saying isn't a stereotype and I don't give a fuck about stereotypes...I'm dealing in facts. You can piss and moan all day about it but it's not going to change anything.

Have some thicker skin and don't take everything so personally; not everything is about YOU. You sound like you're Italian or something.
As a caveat, I should probably say that I've been on the shitty end of the spectrum in regards to finances as well. I think we as Americans spend so much to fill a gap in our society. There really isn't any sense of community in the US anymore and we fill that void by buying "stuff". Our houses are full of the latest gadgets and cool technology, which I myself am a sucker for, and we tend to wall ourselves away inside our homes because we have everything we need right there. We don't need to go out and meet people, because where are we gonna go? It's not like city squares or centers exist in the US, at least in the smaller cities and towns, and I think that's the problem. You don't just go for a walk in town or city squares because there are none. We have shopping malls, outlet stores, and coffee shops for that. But who the hell wants to do that? If you want to go meet friends, where do you go? Either a bar or a club. Again, it's like Amazon.com in real life. Just choose which place suits you because they're all there.

So, I understand that Americans have a tendency to spend too much money on things, and those things may be really cool and nice, but imo it's because we're just bored and/or are trying to keep up with the times.

I mean, what do you do when you get home from work? It's just the nature of the beast, though. The US was built upon commerce and freedom and Americans are just following the same principles we've had for years. You've never heard anyone in the US say, "Man, this country is in the shitter right now, I hate my job, and my gf/wife just left me, but fuck it...life is still good." No one says those things in the US because things like your job, social status, and financial status define who we are as Americans, when in other places they are just a means to an end.

Again, it's just the nature of the beast. You can't get oil from a water spout.