What's YOUR definition of a hipster???


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, so these days we simply can't have ANY discussion about doom or classic, or trad metal without mention of the term HIPSTER.

Is it based JUST on how someone looks? Acts? What bands they like?

Anyhow, here is how I would truly define a hipster:

1) Someone who just got into metal within the past 5 years. Most likely they were into underground music, either hardcore, punk, emo, indie, etc.

2) Obviously, the look. We all know it. Dark rimmed glasses, skinny jeans, messenger bag, those hats that look like painters caps, bad tattoos, and those really big circle earrings that stretch your earlobes. Some who are more into just metal opt for bringing back the kutte look (IE - the denim jacket vest with patches and buttons)

3) The bands they are into. Mastodon, Agalloch, Nachtmystium, Pentagram, etc, etc, any band acceptable by Decibel or Pitchfork. In addition, a new found love for 70's bands, such as Sabbath, Lizzy, etc.

4) Acting lower middle class. Eating very cheap and crappy food, drinking swill such as Pabst Blue Ribbon out of the can, etc.

5) Obsessed with anything retro, though primarily record collecting. This cracks me up as these new found vinyl junkies are paying absurd prices for records which aren't rare, but simply just made limited by the band and label. The band makes their money, and gains a LOT of publicity by having their stuff go for a mint, which makes them seem to be more kvlt than they already are! Don't believe me? Look up Agalloch.

And if you truly have no idea what an average one looks like, see below.

NOTE : Don't take EVERYTHING in this post TOO seriously. There are obvious generalizations placed within to generate conversation.

OK - go!
I love how this is the second time he posts Brent Hinds as his definition of a hipster. He's old and out of touch and then cries on the board when people call him out on it.

And also those definitions are hilarious.
My definition of a hipster: someone with good taste in music and everyone else is jelly about it.

U mad?
Funny, but I've been in arguments with people about this kind of subject over the film "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World", which people want to label a "hipster film", when I think few characters in that film are real hipsters. Most are more like slackers.

I'm not sure how it is defined in a metal context, since I can't say that I've met many. There are probably more posers than there are hipsters.

My mortal enemy.

They seem to be in style, here. Them.. and their skinny jeans (that come up just short of their balls).. their thrift store clothing.. their ukelele music... they're EVERYWHERE. I HATE THEM SO MUCH.

My mortal enemy.

They seem to be in style, here. Them.. and their skinny jeans (that come up just short of their balls).. their thrift store clothing.. their ukelele music... they're EVERYWHERE. I HATE THEM SO MUCH.

I agree....I think it is worse in bigger cities and the people who are not in the bigger cities have a hard time figuring out what we are talking about.

But this thread is serioulsy lame. Jason, say hello to Leonardo Decaprio and Kate Winslet on this sinking ship of a thread.
Who cares what they look like, and how they act? I mean, I do like to make fun of them occasionally, but what's the point, really?
The funny thing is that, as useless as this thread is, it has potential for long discussions, and it might end up being around for at least a few days....
Why? Again, aside from the obvious reason for the occasional fun-making, why?

They're so gaddamn pretentious. They seem to have taken over most of the bars/clubs in the DC area, so there's no longer a metal scene in the city. All of the bands are "indy rock", which means they play accoustic guitars and sing in a monotone style. It's horrible. We once played a gig with a band that billed itself as "metal", but they played the same 3 chords, over and over, and just moaned. MOANED. And the crowd were all hipsters, standing perfectly still, bobbing their heads slowly. It was a nightmare. An absolute NIGHTMARE.

The worst part is that they're in style. Non-fitting "vintage" shit is the style here, so it's hard to find jeans that arent skinny, and places where I once bought leather and spikes now sell floral patterns and "vintage" inspired fashion.

And by "vintage", I mean all that bullshit at the thrift store that NOBODY FUCKING BUYS FOR A REASON! Sparkly tights, tutus (what the fucking fuck), shirts that don't fit, big stupid looking fake flowers in their hair, on their belts, on their shoes, ON THEIR RINGS?! It's terrible. It's fucking terrible and I can't escape it.
I call hipsters the modern day hippy, but lazy and more concerned with appearance.

While waiting to get into Kuma's some time back, Al and I were standing in line near a hipster couple that looked EXACTLY alike. Same hair cut, same clothes (in the same color palette!) same thick-rimmed, black glasses, roughly the same height, very similar shoes, similar build, and very similar facial features. They weren't biological twins, either. They were behaving very much like a lovestruck couple.

"The Twee" (according to this photo) is what I usually think of when I picture hipsters. But all of them are apropos to my archetype of "hipster."