when are you lot gonna stop listening to moontenced etc and get into proper stuff?

Originally posted by MorphineChild

Yeh, so why bother critisizing. It might be music for someone else :)
I mean, music is something too personal. There's no GOOD and BAD, it's all good and bad for you. Anywayz..

I don't agree completely with that one, because they are bands you have to say they're good, at least you have to respect them. Take legends as Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Pink Floyd... I'm getting mad :mad: if someone of me friends says that Anathema is bad (it's a tender spot for me too). And he doesn't realise his owns songs sucks. :Puke: ok mine are also not good but it's a beginning to something and... you have bad and bad. Bwah.