when are you lot gonna stop listening to moontenced etc and get into proper stuff?

Originally posted by neph

never heard of that:guh:
he supported Sinn Fein??? :confused: you mean their goal, surely not their relation to the IRA, right? Or am I wrong again???
sorry about stupid questions but someone who got married to Yoko Ono (without being forced to by the CIA) seems quite strange to me :grin: :confused: :erk:

I read somewhere that he donated the royalties from 'The Luck of the Irish' to Sinn Fein and backed the 'Troops Out' marches in the US and Britain. God knows what he was doing with Yoko though:confused:
I saw that series 'Conspiracies' that discussed the John Lennon thing fairly in depthly. I imagine there are all sorts of things occuring around the world that we don't know the real meaning of.

Like why do most rockers that die, do so at the age of 27?

Kurt Cobain
Janis Joplin
Jim Morrison
Richie Valence (?)
Jimi Hendrix
Jeff Buckley

and a few others that I can't remember... now that's freaky!
Originally posted by LoboUivante
*cough* *cough*

that's all pretty beautiful but some music ISN'T music...
Yes, you're right, but give us some examples...
Anyone ever hear sunday bloody sunday by lennon??
"you anglo pigs and scotties sent to colonise the north..."
euuuwww its embarassing. Never cared much for lennon..he wrote some class stuff but he was such a self rightous sermonising fukker...and his missus

to paraphrase dennis leary " John lennon took four bullets in the chest. yoko ono was standing behind him and did'nt get a scratch...whyyyy god??" :)
Originally posted by Bambi
Anyone ever hear sunday bloody sunday by lennon??
"you anglo pigs and scotties sent to colonise the north..."
euuuwww its embarassing. Never cared much for lennon..he wrote some class stuff but he was such a self rightous sermonising fukker...and his missus

to paraphrase dennis leary " John lennon took four bullets in the chest. yoko ono was standing behind him and did'nt get a scratch...whyyyy god??" :)

Lennon was just trying to do something as he was in a position where people looked up to him. I didnt like the bit where he was always taking his undies off though:cry:
Hey, what about McCartneys 'Give Ireland back to the Irish'-

"Great Britian You Are Tremendous
And Nobody Knows Like Me
But Really What Are You Doin'
In The Land Across The Sea":lol:

What a guy:o
I've just put 'Frozen' by Sentenced on.... and it's cool! It's been sitting on my shelves for ages since it got its last run, so I thought it was about time. This thread reminded me about them too....

And it's good. This stuff is cool! So is Moonspell! So is Antimatter! So is Anathema!
Sentenced are not bad, but the music is not very serious - it's just to listen them for fun (I love "I'll throw the first rock")... until there ware some serious songs on Moonspell on the older albums.
Originally posted by Ivo
Sentenced are not bad, but the music is not very serious -

Yeah... They've definitely got the enjoyment factor well and truly infused in their brand of 'suicide' rock. Which, I think, makes it fun to listen to. Plus I think some of the Finnish melodies are really good.