when are you lot gonna stop listening to moontenced etc and get into proper stuff?

I don't believe that there is anyone that hasn't a ''favorite genre''! It might change from time to time, but there's always some kind of music that you love the most!!! That doesn't mean that you're conservative! Oh, and i agree with Heiko, my thoughts exactly...
i really don't have a favourite genre of music. i used to, in the past, but that was was alas behold.

i'm conservative too, you know: i prefer music and cinema to sculpture and theatre. ;) no need to be afraid of words.
i believe that the thing that really counts is music beeing able to touch your soul.no matter what the gendre is.you cannot critisise someone for what he likes to listen if that is what expresses him.music is for everyone and reflects different ideas and cultures.otherwise there would only be one kind of music and all of us would hear the same shit...free will.that is what makes us different that is what makes music different...so i say:horray music no matter the gendre!!!
kala malaka lege malakies kai tha se valw mia mera sto amaxi toy.aytos pantws arxizei kai moy ti dinei meta.ma lei toys anathema malakies o kopritis.elpizw na fortoses gia next time you see him...!
Originally posted by alefas21
i agree with you...music is a stream of feelings uncontrolled and unpredictable that captures you in an endless oblivion,that turns your joy into lament and your pain into bliss...

hey that's not right, this last post should have been written in the 'cheesiest thing ever' thread :heh:
I met some lad on Friday in Dublin and he shouted 'Sleepless' at me. Then he bought me whiskey and hit himself over the head with a chair. After that he would repeat 'doom is my passport':o

So doom must be best!
Originally posted by alefas21
i agree with you...music is a stream of feelings uncontrolled and unpredictable that captures you in an endless oblivion,that turns your joy into lament and your pain into bliss...

are you on drugs or just mad?:grin:
Originally posted by Strangelight
I met some lad on Friday in Dublin and he shouted 'Sleepless' at me. Then he bought me whiskey and hit himself over the head with a chair. After that he would repeat 'doom is my passport':o

So doom must be best!

ha ha ha ha :lol: :spin:
doom was always our passport to oblivion!!
fight for rock:mad:
Originally posted by pagan2002

are you on drugs or just mad?:grin:

Both!!! :grin:
i started writting these things since a peanapple fell on my head at your concert in athens.i believe you threw it.(joke)
at least did you like my paranoid inspiration???
Doesnt matter what type of music you listen to I think alot of it{music that hits the button so to speak}is where you happen to }be at in your life{now if thats not cheesey what is?]Oops maybe Im in the wrong thread!
depending on what emotions you have in your life at any time music tends to,whats the phrase Im looking for?music plays on your feelings{Im always confused because we walk upside down compared to you dudes}