Originally posted by pagan2002
and by the way russel
It's Russell
if we ever meet eachother then you will find me to be quite different to what you imagined. mehdi thought i was gonna be a right twat but we got on like a house on fire. i am sick of the seriousness in this forum though.
I don't have any preconceptions, I prefer not to judge people over the internet untill I've heard a lot more of what they have to say than I've heard you say... I'm sure meeting you would be an interesting experience, not only for me
and for the record, i honestly think 80-90% of all the modern metal in the european scene is shite. i've only ever heard a couple of bands playing tuneful stuff that can be considered to have the same degree of talent and say, bjork or nick drake. and MDB or moonspell were not one of them.

As I said, I may agree with you, I just like arguing, which is what discussion forums are for... if it makes either you or me think about what we're saying (which in this case it doesn't appear to have) then, IMO it's worth it...
ok. looks like i have to end all posts like this otherwise i might offend some poor over-sensitive metal head (who might listen to depressive stuff -godly!) but wouldnt know real depression if it came up and bit him.
That's the first time I've ever been called a metalhead... In reality I listen to a lot mroe non metal than metal - only about 20% of my cds are metal.
What confuses me is the fact you think metal is depressing? I find non metal such as Reamon, Tori Amos, The Cure, This Mortal Coil far more depressing than I've ever found a metal song...
Feel free not to post stuff like that, but if you do and I don't agree don't expect me not to argue... Actually do, it appears you're not one of the people who like standing up for what they say, so in the future I won't bother. Just next time someone argues with you on the internet, remember it's not personal and don't be so easily offended...
Oh, and I'd like to point out it's you opinion I'm arguing with so you don't need to state it's your opinion after every post, I think I've worked that one out