when are you lot gonna stop listening to moontenced etc and get into proper stuff?

Originally posted by Bambi
I'm going to see Paul Simon/van morrison/blind boys of alabama play a fest this weekend...thats real music that...none of yer mersey beat moptop scruff

I'm gonna wear my voivod t shirt and scream "tornadoooooo" between tracks...just cos I don't know nuttin about proper music like...it'll be boss
sorry i'm going blind, here it is. bambi do i know you? you gotta be english for a start.
you don't know me Danny (unless you remember some bloke saying "howya" to ye at an anathema gig in dublin years back. but I doub it). and i'm not english grrrr :mad:

I'm only being funny coz I'm bored at work these days...it takes me hours to think of something amusing to post y'know :)

I'm funny to look at too apparently, my bastard boss took a pic of me asleep at my desk during lunch today and then e-mailed it to everyone in the office...the cunt...I'll have my revenge tho..oh yes...he will pay

I really am going to that fest in kilkenny this weeked tho'. its gonna rock..in a non rock wussfest sort of way
you never heard of the cats of kilkenny?? don't they hacve childhoods where you're from??

just outside kilkenny is a town called killmehdi...theres a spa called mehdi down there too... :)

btw I bought that mogwai album yesterday...have'nt listend to it all yet but its muchos good stuff, cheers for the tip!!
Originally posted by Bambi
you never heard of the cats of kilkenny?? don't they have childhoods where you're from??

no, actually everybody are born at the age of 18 here, so, no, no childhood here.

just outside kilkenny is a town called killmehdi...theres a spa called mehdi down there too... :)

yeah that's one of my numerous tribute towns across the world. i even heard of a country called Mehdistan somewhere in Asia.

btw I bought that mogwai album yesterday...have'nt listend to it all yet but its muchos good stuff, cheers for the tip!!

nice one mate, glad you liked it. the first two tracks are very very good songs in my opinion. by the way i myself haven't heard the earliest releases of that band so i wouldn't advice you something i never heard :D but i heard the first albums were much more noisy. maybe Russell could tell us a bit more about it.
Originally posted by Strangelight
All music is shit except Bon Jovi and Gorefest and Im not even gonna argue with you about that. Its a fact and I will prove it!

Gorefest rules !!! well they ruleD .... R.I.P.

Where is your proof ??? ;)
Originally posted by pagan2002
and by the way most modern religions ARE SHIT OK?

I know this thread is not really about religion but I felt I had to agree with that post. :D
Just curious however, does 'metal religion' have to be part of the shit? :confused:
Or is something wrong with thinking of metal (or any kind of music) as a kind of dogma when it is free..And well noone ever really said that but some people do tend to highlight their love and devotion for some music or another, as if it is their religion.
Personally, I do have my feelings for certain music but dont distinguish between true metal and false metal but rather between music and whatever is useless and superficial..like religious dogmas tend to be.. :ill:

maybe the problem with modern religions is that they are not colourful enough..maybe even if there ever were a metal religions they would be the truest of them all...well maybe second only to the Ethiopians. :lol: :Smokin:
OK, whatever your feelings about metal bands these days are, good that you finally wrote a big "IN MY OPINION" there.

Yes, I am one of those metalheads. And no, I'm not ridden with angst, nor conservative. I listen to a lot of other music too (as some people here know), but I consider doom-metal to be my favourite genre.

So I listen to crap and should start listening to proper music? Sorry man, but I don't buy that. To each his own. And doom's mine.

(and no, keyboards and female vocals are not necessarily part of a doom band. and no, Sentenced and Moonspell are not doom) :P

Do I sound angry? I'm not. Just for the record.