When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

It was one of the best times of my life. Eluveitie ruled, but Testament were AMAZING! I don't even like them that much on album but it was the best show I've ever been to. Met up with a lot of cool people on the Nevermore board too.
Testament is a hell on stage... Chuck billy is a monster and all guys plays great live... one ov the best bands I have seen live - along with Death, Cannibal Corpse w/Chris Barnes, Possessed and Gorgoroth.
^Cool, did you see Gorgoroth with Gaahl or with Pest or Hat?

Sadly, with Gaahl and ov course, with Infernus. Gaahl is so much better live than studio. He sang Profetens Åpenparing exactly like Pest and obviously I was like OMFG!!.

I hope to hear Pest on the Infernus' version ov the band (the legal one for me).
Sadly, with Gaahl and ov course, with Infernus. Gaahl is so much better live than studio. He sang Profetens Åpenparing exactly like Pest and obviously I was like OMFG!!.

I hope to hear Pest on the Infernus' version ov the band (the legal one for me).

I love that song.
i'm just throwing this in here if anyone wants to discuss. But lately i've kind of grown tired of most extreme/death/black metal band's lyrical content. Is it just me or is it starting to get old? Like all the old school pagan stuff, or sitting in a cold forest waiting to eat someones brain. I still like old Borknagar stuff, but the stuff oystein or the other members write about now is so much more interesting and mature. The other bands that got me into the genre, I can't listen to their old shit that much anymore either, and some bands I just don't even like anymore because they are still singing about the same boring crap.
At Allfader: So Pest is going to be doing vocals for Infernus's version of Gorgoroth? I didn't know that, last I heard of Pest he was singing for an Alabama black metal band called Bloodstained Dusk.
i'm just throwing this in here if anyone wants to discuss. But lately i've kind of grown tired of most extreme/death/black metal band's lyrical content. Is it just me or is it starting to get old? Like all the old school pagan stuff, or sitting in a cold forest waiting to eat someones brain. I still like old Borknagar stuff, but the stuff oystein or the other members write about now is so much more interesting and mature. The other bands that got me into the genre, I can't listen to their old shit that much anymore either, and some bands I just don't even like anymore because they are still singing about the same boring crap.

Well, for me the Pagan/Folk style lyrics grew old a long time ago. It's always the same, Wotan, Odin, Oden, the guy without an eye, fuck the Christians, etc. etc.. The music is style awesome IMO, but the lyrics have certainly grown old (as I said before, at least for me).

And well I disagree with Rivfadir, I believe the lyrics are quite important, but most extreme-black bands rarely care about that.

However, the lyric's from the new Ihsahn album are quite good IMO :) .
Rivfadír;7226157 said:
Who the fuck cares about lyrics? I'm quite sure you rarely notice them in extreme metal anyway.

I'm sure a lot of people care about lyrics, I do. And since the bands write them, they obviously have a meaning, or else they just wouldn't write them at all.
I'm sure a lot of people care about lyrics, I do. And since the bands write them, they obviously have a meaning, or else they just wouldn't write them at all.

yep, totally.

but just because an album has totally messed up lyrics that don't mean anything (to me anyway), doesn't make it less better. I think Dodheimsgard's 666 International is a perfect example of this, the lyrics make no sense at all, but it's a killer album. so maybe, in a way they aren't that important after all.
Lyrics are just the vessel for the instrument that is vocals. IF they are good, it's a bonus, if it's bad, I don't care. I won't notice them anyway.

That's what I meant to say.