When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

Rivfadír;7232011 said:
So, Cait. How's it going with getting the forums back up again?

I hate everyone, blah blah can't be arsed with socialising on the internet any more. Who knows, I might bring it back, seems a bit unfair I stop people from enjoying themselves just because I'm being an emo cunt.

Also Robbie cut all contact with me. I don't feel angry or sad, just kind of empty and alone, it's weird you know?
I may bring it back, still waiting for Simon to fix up all the issues with my account.

I've been having a few problems this past week and I wasn't paying Robbie much attention, he said I was being a bitch and I kind of lost it with him. So yeah, he just fucked off.
Rivfadír;7234152 said:
Wow, he really doesn't seem very understanding. But don't you think he'll come around?

Heh, everyone tells me he's a cunt and I shouldn't waste my time on him... but I really care about him, dare I say love him? It's just a bit weird. Last time we fell out around October and he didn't get back in contact with me until 2 months later, so maybe he'll come around again. Better not get my hopes up.
Yeah, I know you like him. That's why I haven't said anything. You know what my thoughts are about the little I know him.

But, let's hope he gets back to you. I think he will. Cutting someone out of your life isn't something you just do.

And by the way, I just got a new job. Yay.
Heh, everyone tells me he's a cunt and I shouldn't waste my time on him... but I really care about him, dare I say love him? It's just a bit weird. Last time we fell out around October and he didn't get back in contact with me until 2 months later, so maybe he'll come around again. Better not get my hopes up.

Sounds like he needs a good punch in the cock. Fuck guys like that. I hate people who malfunction for no reason and then blame others for it.

/my fist, his cock
I've been hanging out with friends at a thing in my town in a park called May Day, it's got booths and singing and things like that there, but it's mostly me walking all day with friends talking, and a lot of peope I see from high school there too, I did it last night, this morning, and will come back and go this evening. It's tiring though.
Well I returned to Noah's Ark (my house...) on Thursday and I just finished unpacking all my college stuff and organized my room. I've just begun my summer of reading classical literature, working on music projects, and working at the bed & breakfast on my island.