When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

They're pretty fruity. And nasty. Wherever they're at, they coat the water with so much droppings they can even sicken themselves with the ammonia.

Polls say Obama won or the debate was a draw. Obama is starting to pad a 6-7 point lead, so that's not good news for McCain.

Swing state math is not looking good for McCain either.
I think out of the two, I'd rather see Obama as president. McCain would probably just die within the first week in office, and allow that nitwitted running mate of his to take over. Then all of us would have to acquire a taste for moose stew...
My parents like Sarah Palin but don't like McCain but will vote for Obama. I disagree with the Democrat's notion of a lot of government programs, handouts, taking money from the rich and giving to the poor, etc.. but I'll probably vote for Obama just because of the War/Foreign Policy issue, and I think a Democratic change in Presidency may be what this nation means. I hope I didn't confuse anyone with my political views. :p
I can never get a decent shot because my camera has the worst focus ever

(Shut up Tobias)
It looks like Cascoon / Silcoon (Dustox / Beautifly stage 1); which came first, the Borky insignia or Cascoon / Silcoon? That they look similar is a coincidence. It's not one of the earlier Pokemon.

The "Borknagar insignia" was made in the 1220's so I think that one came a bit before teh pokemans.