When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

I don't get why people love Simen so much, sure he was great on Q. but everything else I have heard him on, he was quite average and Garm did nothing for me in borknagar, he sounds much better on Ulvers new stuff.

But I'm a Mr. V fan boy so...
What? Are you people tripping? The s/t and especially TOD is filled with awesome tracks!

Vintervredets Sjelesagn, Dauden, Grimskalle Trell, The Winterway, A Tale of Pagan Tongue, To Mount and Rove, etc.
I don't get why people love Simen so much, sure he was great on Q. but everything else I have heard him on, he was quite average and Garm did nothing for me in borknagar, he sounds much better on Ulvers new stuff.

But I'm a Mr. V fan boy so...

Maybe because Simen and Garm have ranges and don't sound like a strained 12 year old when doing soaring vocals.
Rivfadír;7144630 said:
What? Are you people tripping? The s/t and especially TOD is filled with awesome tracks!

Vintervredets Sjelesagn, Dauden, Grimskalle Trell, The Winterway, A Tale of Pagan Tongue, To Mount and Rove, etc.

I didn't say I didn't like the albums. As I always said, TOD is one of their most underrated albums yet one of their best. I just don't find Garm's vocals to be super fantastic. I prefer his work with Arcturus and Ulver.
Woo, hope you enjoy it, I'll drink a beer in your honour if you do haha.

here is 8:26 am and I'm not drunk yet ^^. The band's myspace made a request x friendship and I'm listening... Reminds me to Gorgoroth's Under The Sign Of Hell, but sounds good to me.

BTW, I have to upload a newest song... the song I have on my space is too old (composed maybe 2000?) and don't represent the band's sound anymore.
I love Garms "non borknagar work". His singing style didn't fit quite as well with Bork. Simen was incredible on some tunes, others he was horrible. I like Simen's Arcturus stuff the best, as well as Garm's Arcturus work. Mr. V is obviously different from the other two, in good and bad ways...and yes he does sound like hes straining on the highs and sometimes out of key on the really low stuff, however when that guy sings in Swedish...WORSHIP! So in reality they all have strengths and weaknesses.