When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

Heading down to South Wales and going to explore the coast and castles and stuff. Should be lovely.

Yeah, but NEW South Wales is waaaay better. Sorry :p

Hey, this one's for Tyr - How come the bass is so down in the mix in Empirial Live Ceremony? I only got it a month ago, sorry to reignite an issue from 1999! One of the least desireable things of the godlike Emperor, is how goddamn soft the bass is, and I was hoping to hear some upfront fingerstyle bass madness. Oh well, hopefully the Borky DVD will blow that away!
The big let-down was Garm's singing. It's as if the sole purpose of the album was for the listener to orgasm over his singing.
Rivfadír;7153645 said:
It is. Don't get me wrong, I love Agalloch, even more than I do Bergtatt, but the inspiration is obvious.

Agalloch is great!! I like a lot, but they are Ulver worshippers as October Falls and even Empyrium.

October falls made a rip-off from I Troldskog Faren Vild, do you know the song/band?
Oh sweeeeeeeeet. I went to Paganfest a week ago right, while we waited for Ensiferum to set everything up (which took forever) we stood around singing various songs. Due to being rotten drunk I had the confidence to start growling out Oceans Rise and various other songs, when I realised what I was doing I stopped... but ended up receiving a few claps and praises from friends and random folk around. I just assumed they were mocking me as always. But this is now the second time I have complimented on my manly as fuck vocals.

"they're fucking immense, I didn't think such brutality could come from a woman's throat D:"
Is a direct quote from the following conversation on MSN.
"You've got a real gift at it, practise, don't be scared"

He's now asked me about doing harsh vocals for his Aglloch-wannabe band. I'm not sure if I should give it a go, keep practising or whatever, or if he's bullshitting me.
Self doubt is so fucking horrible.
Oh sweeeeeeeeet. I went to Paganfest a week ago right, while we waited for Ensiferum to set everything up (which took forever) we stood around singing various songs. Due to being rotten drunk I had the confidence to start growling out Oceans Rise and various other songs, when I realised what I was doing I stopped... but ended up receiving a few claps and praises from friends and random folk around. I just assumed they were mocking me as always. But this is now the second time I have complimented on my manly as fuck vocals.

"they're fucking immense, I didn't think such brutality could come from a woman's throat D:"
Is a direct quote from the following conversation on MSN.
"You've got a real gift at it, practise, don't be scared"

He's now asked me about doing harsh vocals for his Aglloch-wannabe band. I'm not sure if I should give it a go, keep practising or whatever, or if he's bullshitting me.
Self doubt is so fucking horrible.
Were they high pitched growls like Borknagar or low-pitched ones like Death Metal? I think we all want to hear your growls. :p
Drink Beer. Do Vocals. Win at Life.

My three pieces of advice.

True true, alcohol helps with it a lot, loosens the muscles I suppose.

Were they high pitched growls like Borknagar or low-pitched ones like Death Metal? I think we all want to hear your growls. :p

Eh, can pretty much do both, just prefer higher stuff I suppose.
"they're fucking immense, I didn't think such brutality could come from a woman's throat D:"
Is a direct quote from the following conversation on MSN.
"You've got a real gift at it, practise, don't be scared"

He's now asked me about doing harsh vocals for his Aglloch-wannabe band. I'm not sure if I should give it a go, keep practising or whatever, or if he's bullshitting me.
Self doubt is so fucking horrible.

Yes, yes it is. It's what kills so much creativity and potential.

Definitely go for it. I want to hear your harsh vocals :)

For a long time, I wanted to paint and draw, but never took it seriously. Until a few months ago, when I spied a watercolor paintset at the art store for the nth time, and instead of the little evil voices going "No, you can't paint, you suck, what are you ever going to do with that", a good voice popped up and went "Buy it. Who cares if you suck - if it's fun, do it. It's not like you're in class and you're going to fail anything, and if you don't like it, you're only out a few bucks, and you can give the paints to one of your friend's children."

So now I'm painting really...weird things as I try to get a grip on this weird 'art' thing, but I'm having a blast in the process :lol:
Creativity is about letting go of the opinions of others and making something that YOU like. I've been playing guitar for 10 years now, and I write a lot of original material for the bands I play in, and I don't think about whether it's good enough for someone else, I just try to take my abilities as far as possible. If you enjoy doing vocals, you should do the same. Self-doubt is definitely an evil thing. Let go of it :D

"We're all living in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."