When will metal get the respect it deserves?


Nov 19, 2001
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I am getting sick and tired of the general public's perception of metal- as adolescent- and not really a serious form of music. I am also getting sick and tired of the total lack of support for metal -especially in the states.

Why do I have to defend myself everytime I mention I love metal? Why do I have to explain to people, who and what some underground metal bands are accomplishing musically? Why do the few reviewers that do review metal in the big widely circulated music magazines- have little to no knowledge of the difficulty of metal as a music form- why do they always talk about the lyrics- and add something about the heavy guitars?( this is a rhetorical question, I am sorry)

Why do I see a total lack of support for metal in the states- Metal is rarely reviewed in major music magazines( and if it is- it is the corporate whores- the nu-metal bands) When is the last time someone has seen a metal band on a talk show( i did see Godsmack, and Disturbed on Jimmy Kimmel- but they are both numetal whores)- or hell even a decent band with a video played at some respectable time during the day? It seems the only time metal gets any mention is through Ozzy's drug ravaged exploits, or when Gene Simmons decides he needs more money.
Metal will never get the respect it deserves...

it will always be seen as music for distressed teens and devil worshipors, which could not be furthur from the truth

its all because of the 3% of metal fans who shop at Hot Topic and burn writings in thier skin...

..... its a shame
i dont think metal "deserves" any more respect than any other kind of music. its genre that some people enjoy and others dont. it shouldnt matter what "the mainstream" thinks about it. if you like it, listen to it. if you dont, fuck off.

those hot topic kids are losers though.
It will never get respect because it will never become popular in a mainstream sense of the word "popular"

Besides, most "Average-joe" music listeners I know, cant stand death vocals and that is the biggest barrier between metal and mainstream.

Oh yeah, death to hot topic.
Metal will never get the respect it deserves. Why? Because people in general are stupid. They're fucking morons. They'd rather go by stereotypes than actually investigate something and find the truth, it's why so many people are easily manipulated. Do I feel that metal should be given more respect than all types of music? No, but some types..? Heh, hell yes. It definitely shouldn't be disrespected the way it is.
OrestesMantra said:
Besides, most "Average-joe" music listeners I know, cant stand death vocals and that is the biggest barrier between metal and mainstream.

I'm not seeing how this is a huge barrier between ALL metal and the mainstream. That only applies for death metal, not the other types.
Blade Golem said:
I'm not seeing how this is a huge barrier between ALL metal and the mainstream. That only applies for death metal, not the other types.

Well, not all metal of course. But death metal and/or metal with some form of growling vocals, is the most "un-respected" form of metal there is from a mainstream/popular viewpoint. Alot of the other genres could probably gain some mainstream popularity if they were marketed properly, had radio-exposure, TV-airtime, etc etc. I dont think its really that the mainstream really doesnt respect forms of metal, its just that they havent ever heard of the many talented bands in the metal scene. You cant respect something you have never heard. The average-joe doesnt scour metal sites looking for new underground bands etc, he only listens to what radio and tv tell them is hot and new. For alot of people, the radio and tv is the only way to discover new music.

Or maybe im being too optimistic.Either way, there is little or no hope that metal will ever be widely accepted by the mainstream. Which isnt really a bad thing,because I for one wouldn't like 13 year old mallcore posers claiming my favorite metal band is "their fav band evar" after hearing one single on the radio.
Metal dosen't need to be at MTV or at any other Mainstreem Magazine, maybe its harder to listen new stuff, specially for those who are starting to listen to GOOD Music.

Metal deserves so much more, but it dosen't really need it...WE KNOW that true metal its so much better than other shit like NU METAL. Its all that matters, that we (as individuals) think of our music. I don't care if i don't see a Sentenced video on MTV, or if Rolling stones dosen't review the latest Nile CD... I'm happy with my music.

Metal fucking rules!!
OrestesMantra said:
Well, not all metal of course. But death metal and/or metal with some form of growling vocals, is the most "un-respected" form of metal there is from a mainstream/popular viewpoint. Alot of the other genres could probably gain some mainstream popularity if they were marketed properly, had radio-exposure, TV-airtime, etc etc. I dont think its really that the mainstream really doesnt respect forms of metal, its just that they havent ever heard of the many talented bands in the metal scene. You cant respect something you have never heard. The average-joe doesnt scour metal sites looking for new underground bands etc, he only listens to what radio and tv tell them is hot and new. For alot of people, the radio and tv is the only way to discover new music.

Or maybe im being too optimistic.Either way, there is little or no hope that metal will ever be widely accepted by the mainstream. Which isnt really a bad thing,because I for one wouldn't like 13 year old mallcore posers claiming my favorite metal band is "their fav band evar" after hearing one single on the radio.

Wait, death metal is the least respected by the mainstream? Death metal is actually known about by the mainstream? Shit, that's news to me.:lol: In all seriousness, though, I've seen very few people who are into mainstream music who actually know what it is, and if I let them listen to some it's usually "It's too chaotic, it blows" or some shit like that. I see what you mean. Personally, I don't mind if metal isn't popular or anything, I couldn't give a fuck if people would just drop the stupid-ass stereotypes, that'd be great, if metal was underground as it's meant to be, but no stupid stereotypes. That'll never happen, though.
I'm 30 years old ...........and Metal getting respect whats this. Do you really want Metal to be mainstream? I mean thats what atracted me to metal back in the 80"s........it was new big crazy sound(i.e. Mercyfulfate, metallica,Iron Maiden, Fates Warning, KIng Diamond,Dio,the list goes on and on) man those were the best years off my life ....15 listening to Kill Em All lighting my first joint. Everything was electric. ANd believe it or not ...now is a resurgence of Metal ... there are alot of new bands ..most from Europe emerging that are giving metal back it's voice........I see a wave on the Horizon... heading this way!
alot of underground metal fans dont respect death metal- (or have bothered to even listen to it) at all- especially those prog- tech elites.

Even if metal is hear to stay- I think metal would reap the benefits of more interest and respect in the genre- I rarely ever, ever, see a local metal band anymore- and my good friend who I was a drummer in his old band 6 years ago , has told me he had to find a 35 year old, and a 40 year old to play drums and sing- this is in the states too- in the Midwest as well- were metal is still alive in every trailer park.
Keep in mind not all people like heavy music...some don't even like guitars in their music ... it's a matter of taste. Metal is huge, but it's more spread out then corporate music styles that are driven by the media all the time.
speed said:
I am getting sick and tired of the general public's perception of metal- as adolescent- and not really a serious form of music. I am also getting sick and tired of the total lack of support for metal -especially in the states.

Too many people actually care more about what their peers think about them than being an individual and exploring their own tastes. That's not to say there aren't true fans of the "poular" artists out there, but rather a big portion of the mainstream fans allow themselves to be programmed into liking what they are force fed.

Why do I have to defend myself everytime I mention I love metal?

You don't have to do that, but you should want to. It gives you a chance to explain to the world that metal music is not simply what the "norm" perceives it to be.

Why do I have to explain to people, who and what some underground metal bands are accomplishing musically? Why do the few reviewers that do review metal in the big widely circulated music magazines- have little to no knowledge of the difficulty of metal as a music form- why do they always talk about the lyrics- and add something about the heavy guitars?( this is a rhetorical question, I am sorry)

I am long-winded enough to even answer rhetorical questions >:p~

Metal mags are about $$ as it is their job to sell those nagazines. Articles on the really underground bands won't help their sells as much as an extra article on Korn.

Why do I see a total lack of support for metal in the states- Metal is rarely reviewed in major music magazines( and if it is- it is the corporate whores- the nu-metal bands) When is the last time someone has seen a metal band on a talk show( i did see Godsmack, and Disturbed on Jimmy Kimmel- but they are both numetal whores)- or hell even a decent band with a video played at some respectable time during the day? It seems the only time metal gets any mention is through Ozzy's drug ravaged exploits, or when Gene Simmons decides he needs more money.

Corporate America. Bands nor fans decide what's popular, industry record label giants do. They are not pushing for the next metal revolution..... yet.
