Which Anathema is more emotional for you?

Most of the old stuff is too clumsy for me... especially the moaning vocals. That detracts from emotionality, I think.

The Silent Enigma and onwards - emotionally superior, if that phrase doesn't sound Norsk Arisk.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
Most of the old stuff is too clumsy for me... especially the moaning vocals. That detracts from emotionality, I think.

The Silent Enigma and onwards - emotionally superior, if that phrase doesn't sound Norsk Arisk.

What do you mean by norsk (norwegian) arisk?:err:
Defenately the new Anathema.........especially from the time they start to show that they are influenced by Pink Floyd
eternity & onwards! But the last one (a fine day to exit) is a bit dissapointing...
Originally posted by llamaura
I like it all really, but Serenades hits me hardest.
songs like Lovelorn Rhapsody and Under A Veil of Black Lace are filled with emotion.
Moaning vocals???????/sorry i dont hear that.........
Originally posted by Lord S
songs like Lovelorn Rhapsody and Under A Veil of Black Lace are filled with emotion.
Moaning vocals???????/sorry i dont hear that.........

first, the lyrics are a little bit superior... with bigger words. The phylosopy is still Anathema but the sound... im letting myself loose on songs as "... and i lust" or "crestfallen"... Vince's moans (it sounds like him) and Darren gutteral growls fit perfectly, in a original way... what can i say? maybe despair...
No one in particular... Averithing is special, from the early Serenades/Crestfallen doom/death to the elettro/rock of A fine Day...
But nothing can surpass Alternative 4