Which Anathema is more emotional for you?

breaklose said:
you suck, dude.
bite me...I'm entitled to my opinion. I should have assumed that there would be some loser on here who can't handle other people's opinions without crying and whining about it...god forbid I actually say how I feel about something..holy shit!
Strangelight said:
Daz was bang into everything he sang/wrote, whereas most of the time Vinny sings what others have wrote. Work it out, dont disrespect Da Daz
OK....I will admit when I am wrong...it had been almost half a year since I had listened to Serenades so I played it today, and you are dead on....Daz's vocal performance is phenomenal, powerful, convincing....I did NOT give him enough credit for what he did! I guess I am just used to the way Anathema is now, but Serenades/Crestfallen is phenomenal work.
season1234 said:
bite me...I'm entitled to my opinion. I should have assumed that there would be some loser on here who can't handle other people's opinions without crying and whining about it...god forbid I actually say how I feel about something..holy shit!

hang on - whos the one whos getting upset and whining and crying here? :tickled:
iz amz lizteningz zo unuthumu zee zilent enigma, anz iz amz veryz emotionalz, zee zrack 'a zying wish' omg itz is very emotionalz forz me. itz meanz zo moozh zu me
Wolff said:
D Mullohland,

Darren doesn't moan... Moaning is for bitches like Vincent Cavanaugh.

Serenades, the best love album ever written. Enuff said. Alternative 4 is for wimps who think that Seattle music scene is cool.

I try to see something intelligent in these words...but..mmm...in vain...obvious.