Which Anathema is more emotional for you?

breaklose said:
why dont you do as usual, you know, right click on the picture, find out his name, then google him and pretend you knew :)

Cause it's longer than typing that question, in fact, it would've been shorter for you to answer too. You're like my sister, my granny asks her something and she, instead of giving the answer right away, starts ranting about having already told it to her twenty times before.

Sorry for the female parallel.
Theodor Herzl, never heard of him, but he's not Hungarian, his name is not Hungarian either. The girl who signs the leading article on UM, she's Hungarian though, a decent Hungarian name, Sipos Katalin.
Strangelight said:
is this a joke?********Hell no it is not a joke...Vinnie blows Darren out of the water....Darren is not really a very good singer, although he was better by the time he was in The Blood Divine, and Vinnie is phenomenal...in my opinion one of the best around. :worship:
The newer, A4/Judgement mostly. Then Eternity. Serenades is also emotional, but not on a personal level. I feel the emotion, but it's more that I'm "impressed" by the drama rather than that it touches me. I mean, "Sweet Tears" and the beginning of the "They Die" ("All teeeaaars..." ...tada da da da da DAAAAAAA... "reeestrained... fooor yeeeaaars" :D) are just, wow, so dramatic.
Blimey this thread is still around!!!

I posted in this under my old name 3 years ago :Spin:

Yeah imake no bones I prefer the early Anathema days-Serenades is in my all time top 5 albums.but things changed and you have to change with them-What the lads are doing now is still quality-tho i Would like to see the return of those dualling guitar harmonies just a bit louder :rock:
season1234 said:
Strangelight said:
is this a joke?********Hell no it is not a joke...Vinnie blows Darren out of the water....Darren is not really a very good singer, although he was better by the time he was in The Blood Divine, and Vinnie is phenomenal...in my opinion one of the best around. :worship:
Fair enough, you prefer the sound of Vinnys voice, but dont start talking about Vinny "pouring his soul into it in a way Darren could only dream of". Daz was bang into everything he sang/wrote, whereas most of the time Vinny sings what others have wrote. Work it out, dont disrespect Da Daz
I love Anathema from childhood, and every album for me is full of emotions, but after 10 years of listening to metal only, I changed my tastes and now i listen completely different stuff, can't say 'I am metalhead' or 'I am electronic asshole'. And i like, that some bands don't fear of changin' their way, I am very happy, that I went with Anathema through decades, and i'll go further.
Strangelight said:
Fair enough, you prefer the sound of Vinnys voice, but dont start talking about Vinny "pouring his soul into it in a way Darren could only dream of". Daz was bang into everything he sang/wrote, whereas most of the time Vinny sings what others have wrote. Work it out, dont disrespect Da Daz
Weeping winnies are wocals are wunderful!
Strangelight said:
Fair enough, you prefer the sound of Vinnys voice, but dont start talking about Vinny "pouring his soul into it in a way Darren could only dream of". Daz was bang into everything he sang/wrote, whereas most of the time Vinny sings what others have wrote. Work it out, dont disrespect Da Daz
I don't mean to disrespect Darren, I am just stating what is a fact to me: Vinnie has a great SINGING voice, and Darren does not. Darren was by far a superior death metal vocalist, but regardless of who writes the lyrics it is HOW they are sung/performed that matters to me personally. It is easy to tell if someone is not into what they are singing about regardless of who wrote the lyrics, but I would not put Vinnie in that category at all.