Which Anathema is more emotional for you?

D Mullohland,

Darren doesn't moan... Moaning is for bitches like Vincent Cavanaugh.

Serenades, the best love album ever written. Enuff said. Alternative 4 is for wimps who think that Seattle music scene is cool.
Originally posted by Wolff
D Mullohland,

Darren doesn't moan... Moaning is for bitches like Vincent Cavanaugh.

Serenades, the best love album ever written. Enuff said. Alternative 4 is for wimps who think that Seattle music scene is cool.

It would be the Alternative 4 ERA, cause in that album you could hear how emotions flows in each song they played, well as you may know also Duncan Patterson has to left because of an Emotional Breakdown so the last song he wrote with Anathema, was their Best!!!!!!!!

Alternative 4 it is
Originally posted by Wolff
D Mullohland,

Darren doesn't moan... Moaning is for bitches like Vincent Cavanaugh.

I don't think that even Darren would appreciate the things you wrote. It's not the smartest way to support him. :confused:
Originally posted by terrymx
what's wrong with a fine day to exit? :confused:

Well, I think they're keeping their melancholic concept, but there're some changes which I dont like... For example the vocal is not that straight & clear as it was in the previous albums, he doesn't express the same emotional power (One Last Goodbye)...the clear piano is missing, replaced with some more simple one(Pressure)...And there're some songs I don't like at all (like Panic). Anyway, there're some GREAT songs like A fine day to exit & TEMPORARY PEACE!!!!(MY FAVORIT) So I hope in future they'll continue to be the same, giving us a huge emotional relief, and sharing the same feelings as we do.:cool:
ei im slowly adjusting myself (getting used) to listen AFDTE, it seems good music to listen when you are doing something else, like reading and dont want to be disturbed. since Judgement Anathema has not been a "great" band for me, this albums seem like a predictable change by them... so until they go to MTV and have 3000 stooopid fad bands sheep following them around i find them a good listen.
Originally posted by Ivo

I don't think that even Darren would appreciate the things you wrote. It's not the smartest way to support him. :confused:

It's just an opinion man, not a lobbying effort.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
:err: ... dude, dont need to go personal, we all have our own tastes... if you dont like what other people like, then try to make a intelligent observation.

You are of course right that it comes down to taste.

I'm just kind of upset that Darren never got the recognition he deserved, and I think that Vinnie is grossly overrated.
Originally posted by Wolff

You are of course right that it comes down to taste.

I'm just kind of upset that Darren never got the recognition he deserved, and I think that Vinnie is grossly overrated.

thats true, Darren never had the recognition thats owed to him... but then again it was he who was kicked out from the band, if it was Vincent to be kicked out then maybe it would be someone else saying something like "Darren is a cunt who cant sing" or something like that. eh eh thats a paradox.

well anyway... er Happy New Year METAL brothers&sisters
Well, I have to say that I don't like the (very) early Anathema. I doesn't do me anything. Things changes with The Silent Enigma, but with Eternity it becomes REALLY emotional... It's also the most emotional album they ever recorded (but not the best, Judgment rules!)
Originally posted by LoboUivante

thats true, Darren never had the recognition thats owed to him... but then again it was he who was kicked out from the band, if it was Vincent to be kicked out then maybe it would be someone else saying something like "Darren is a cunt who cant sing" or something like that. eh eh thats a paradox.

well anyway... er Happy New Year METAL brothers&sisters

True, and it sucks. For example when Duncan was kicked out the Cava bros said he was unstable. Incidentally they've done shit since Eternity. Fucking scouse posers.
Originally posted by Mariner
Well, I have to say that I don't like the (very) early Anathema. I doesn't do me anything. Things changes with The Silent Enigma, but with Eternity it becomes REALLY emotional... It's also the most emotional album they ever recorded (but not the best, Judgment rules!)

I agree with you!!
i will always live for judgement - although i do also love alternative 4!!!

i gotta say i really am not so keen on AFDTE!! i did enjoy it live at fulham - but i got the album and was quite sad. i lent it to a mate and unfortunately he didnt like it as much as he had hoped eithe ( and believe me, its not for the want of trying... )
AFDTE is indeed not that good as Judgement is... AFDTE should have been the last step to great sucess, but I don't think so, because there is no song on it they could use as a good radio-friendly-single...

I mean, I know Anathema beause I heard 'Deep' once on Studio Brussels (Belgium alternative radio (in a metalprogram of course)) A few days later I saw them on Graspop and I was sold! On A4 we have songs like 'Fragile Dreams' and 'Empty'. Maybe 'Leave No Trace', the others have a really slow start, with a really strange buildup. (except 'Panic' of course, but that one is showing a panic-situation of course, it has to be fast & kicking, and not fit for the radio)

BUT I'm not saying I dislike AFDTE, but it won't be the breakthrough album. (as they want it to be) If it was, they would have found already a new bassplayer , that wants to play in Anathema...

Hope you understand my English...
Originally posted by Mariner
BUT I'm not saying I dislike AFDTE, but it won't be the breakthrough album. (as they want it to be)

That's one of my concerns - Danny seems to have a new idea-fix: he wants to struggle for mainstream recognition (obvious from recent interviews). That's ok if it doesn't affect the music, but I have a feeling from AFDTE, that they are repressing certain sides of themselves and trying to be both catchy and experimental at the same time... I like the album, but so far it hasn't reached the level of the previous three for me.

D Mullholand
All I can say is this: I've been following Anathema since An Iliad of Woes and they just keep on going better! The best thing they have done was to kick Darren out 'cause Vinnie can really sing. From Silent Enigma on the are on their best... so I can't really choose one best album... I love them all.