Originally posted by Oyo
Ok... Everyone load your crossbows, reload your guns, and get your rock throwing arms ready, the band that got me into metal was limp bizkit
really?Originally posted by J the TyranT
Only song I dug on SR was "Eileen" or some shit like that.
An 18's not that young... I think we have some 15-17 yr olds in here somewhere.
Originally posted by Vanir
Oddly enough, Rammstein. And from there, it pretty much got heavier. Still, Vintersorg is The One and Only for me. The best music I've ever heard. Hell, not many artists find me actually buying their records![]()
Originally posted by Phyros
I have not answered this thread? What is this!
Well... Iron Maiden... Then Helloween, followed by Gamma Ray (later) and loads of Power Metal... Then I listened to In Flames and downwards i went...
That´s the short story, as I´m sure you won´t read it if I mde it longer...