Which bands are you going to see live?

Yes i know what you mean i'm gonna see them for the 3rd time in a year.

First time was at Fields of rock, where the time schedule got changed so i got to see Kamelot instead of Pain of Salvation
2nd was because Georg from Serenity put me and LeonV on the guestlist after talking to him at the Threshold concert in Zoetermeer
and the 3rd time will be just because i always support metal in Amsterdam, as there hardly is any there...
Still debating whether to go see Kamelot or not, but after hearing such continuous praise about Firewind, it might just about be worth it?

Kamelot I somehow like, and somehow I don't. They got some really fantastic, catchy and mighty melodies, but unlike Threshold they have over-produced them to a point where for my liking it sounds too dramatic & bombastic (operatic even at times, *shudder*, yeah), with the occasional crossing of that fine line into hymnic cheese metal, instead of - like Threshold do - letting the beauty of a melody shine in its powerful simplicity.

And for absolute definite exciting certainty it's ARENA on Sunday!
Luckily they are not as lazy with touring as they are recording new albums.

I can only recommend you to catch them as well if you can.
they have over-produced them to a point where for my liking it sounds too dramatic & bombastic (operatic even at times, *shudder*, yeah), with the occasional crossing of that fine line into hymnic cheese metal, instead of - like Threshold do - letting the beauty of a melody shine in its powerful simplicity.

That's exactly the reason why I'n not fond of them. Thanks for putting it down in words so good! :lol:
After spending so much time away I'd have to take the afternoon off just to update my gig schedule for the next months. I'll do it, eventually. :p
For now let me just say I'll be seeing Mark Knopfler tomorrow night and... did you hear about the new Queen+PR tour later this year? Any thoughts? Opinions? I wonder what Rich thinks about this new tour... And you Rob, behave! :lol:
New Queen tour? Will they ever stop? :lol:

I guess my next gig will be Nightwish. After it, maybe House Of Lords.

Later, in June it will be QUEENSRYCHE!
As for Kamelot, i really like them. Seen them once in 2001 in Wacken. Solid gig.

But i do understand the 'over produced' issue. I to believe they have entered a spiral musically....they seem to be doin' similar albums over and over again. The last one didn't caught my attention....i listened and liked it, but i didn't feel the need to listen again. I hope they make some changes in their sound for the next one, or else they'll be trapped in the same formula.
New Queen tour? Will they ever stop? :lol:

I guess my next gig will be Nightwish. After it, maybe House Of Lords.

Later, in June it will be QUEENSRYCHE!

Queen+PR, not Queen! Actually it's more like Brian May&Roger Taylor + PR, but that's another story. :rolleyes:

I was gonna got to the Nightwish one but I'll be away working that night, so, tough luck! I'm not really that much into them anyway...

Then we shall meet no later than June 1st. :rock:

Whatever...they still use the name Queen. It would be better if they just let the name Queen drop onde and for all.... It could be MAy+Taylor+Rodgers. But i'll stop whining.

Whatever...they still use the name Queen. It would be better if they just let the name Queen drop onde and for all.... It could be MAy+Taylor+Rodgers. But i'll stop whining.

Or if they don't want to drop the name Queen, for God's sake, just include PR in the band as the singer! :rolleyes:
Just one note - Arena guys were definitely not lazy in the past 2 years, especially Clive who's been working on his project for eternity. Good news is that new album is about to be recorded while those who catch this tour will witness few rarities such as Moviedrome!
Just one note - Arena guys were definitely not lazy in the past 2 years, especially Clive who's been working on his project for eternity. Good news is that new album is about to be recorded while those who catch this tour will witness few rarities such as Moviedrome!

Dear Lake, with lazy I did not mean the overall attitude, but just to do with Arena. It's a known fact that Clive has always been busy with a variety of projects (surely someone must have made a long list of those, too), it's just that I'd MUCH prefer him doing more Arena albums. At least they *rock*! ;)

How come you know they're going to play Moviedrome? You posted this before the tour started, so you can't have it of a tracklist from a forum.... ??

Hahahaha --- more Queen talk in this thread....!
I can't help myself for entering the previous discussion which is perhaps a bit off-topic. But, I like Kamelot, a bit. I have none of their records but have seen them live twice and they were both awesome. Roy Khan is a really good singer, possibly the best metal-singer from Norway (?). What I'd like to do with this post though, is to recommend you to try to find records with his old band, Conception. If you like progressive powermetal with a touch of flamenco in the guitar-play, this is a must. They made four albums, of which I'm aware, all of them good!

As for concerts the Sweden Rock Festival is up for me. Lotsa good bands this year!

what would happen if I say that I don't like Ked Zeppelin either ? :lol:

Nothing much.... don't feel passionate about them in the same way.

But buckets of slugs and worms, rusty nails and spikes shall rain from the sky down onto you if you are not going to see ARENA tonight !!!!
Or did you already say you were, I can't remember.....