Which cd did you just buy?

heya Siren,

I have to say that I am not greatly informed about Tiamat, unfortunately. I would try to check fansites for this. Or maybe the offical page http://www.churchoftiamat.com would list up all the CDs. So you know in which year they came out.
Then go to a large site, like amazon.de or whatever, type in the bandname and check from the results. For what I remember, there are quite many CDs still available. I don´t mean you need to buy from there, but it gives a good overview which CDs are there and which year they were released, so you can see if that is original or re-issue.
And then start the hunting ;)
I own only the latest CDs, from A Deeper Kind Of Slumber to Prey. I want to learn more about the band when I have time. :)
@fireangel: yeah, amazon should be a good source of information, thanks. ;) *gets on order mode*
Siren said:
But i'm a bit puzzled as to which albums are still available on the original issue, and which ones i can only get as reissues now, any help?
don´t know if it´s different in *insert your country* but here in sweden I think you could find everything as far back as wildhoney on first issues without too much trouble.
Delirious said:
don´t know if it´s different in *insert your country* but here in sweden I think you could find everything as far back as wildhoney on first issues without too much trouble.
well, the problem with my shithole of a city in *greece*, is that the only record store that brings metal, is well, not the best one i've ever been to. ;) So whatever cd i might want to find gets hard to track down, let alone if it's not available anymore. :p
I guess i'll be doing some digging in athens next week.
siren: oh. good luck, then :wave: and otherwise there is of course, as northern lights suggested, the internet solution.

and on-topic I finally got some albums I ordered a month ago or something (otherwise than the time it took, I warmly recommend www.theendrecords.com ) :

tiamat - skeleton skeletron ( :D )
lake of tears - headstones
lake of tears - forever autumn
katatonia - discouraged ones
antimatter - saviour
arcturus - the sham mirrors
dimension zero - silent night fever
arch enemy - wages of sin
ayreon - the dream sequencer
andromeda - II=1
Dimmu Borgir, "Death Cult Armaggedon" (been listening to it for a while.. decided to buy it)
DevilDriver, "DevilDriver" (Saw them open up for Opeth, kicked a lot of ass)
Zyklon, "Aeon" ( |,,/ )

...I've been spending a lot of money that I don't really have.
The next creditcard bill that arrives is going to make me curse out loud in Spanish, English, Finnish, Portuguese, and Hungarian.
rahvin said:
i think credit cards work best when it comes to ordering stuff online often. any bank account should allow for one, so there's usually no need for third parties.
i don't think i should bother making credit cards just for one time i'm going to use the thingy. i have good friends to help me in this anyway.

edit: Thanks Delirious ;)
Kinda late but oh well..
Rammstein... I have over 250 CD/CD singles on them (yes, that's about 70% bootlegs :)) and I think they are great. I saw them live many-many times and they keep impressing me with their show.
As for the lyrics I agree.. they do suck. I spreak German so I know what I'm talking about ;)
Tiamat are indeed great. I own everything from Wildhoney to Prey, and I'd say that the best are Deeper Kind of Slumber, Wildhoney and Prey.

Never heard their early stuff ; is it worth checking out ?
@siren: it usually becomes more frequent (the buying stuff online) in time, and friends who can be bothered once tend to feel like it less and less after the first dozen times. ;) i think it's a good option worth checking out as it doesn't take long to get one - you don't really have to make it, you know :p - and its cost is minimal, for a not-too-high maximum monthly availability.

@blue mooon: it's inspired and interesting, but if i remember your taste in music and going by what you deem to be the best records so far, i'm sure you won't change your mind as to their best efforts. :)
Rahvin : well, they have awesome songs in all their album ; one of my favorite is definitely Love is as Good as Soma, from Judas Christ. They have a nice vibe, and ultimately that's what I like in a band. I know their first albums are more black, which I don't mind, as long as there's an interesting vibe to it :) Thanks for the comment though.
So far so good with these purchases:

Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle Earth
Emperor - IX Equillibrium
Meshuggah - Destroy, Erase, Improve
Type O Negative - October Rust
My new treasures:

Kent - Isola (english)
Kent - Hagnesta Hill (english)
Tiamat - Clouds
At The Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease
Opeth - Deliverance

It amazed me how cheaper i found them, i wish i could be in athens every day. ;)
And lots of thanks to Mel for being patient with me. :p