Which cd did you just buy?

The Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine special edition

this is the special edition with a bonus dvd including live cuts and a brief making-of (quite useless, in fact). the first live song in the dvd is really mad... at the end of the song they set the drumkit ablaze! my drumkit is a cheap one, so watching them burning a good kit made me weep!
oh, and the guitarist is really mad! he jumps and hops around as if having painful fits yet still manages to play those complex parts!

on a side note to italians here: I ordered the cd from www.cdflash.com, and it took almost two months to ship! beware that site! moreover, I ordered the 30th anniversay edition of King Crimson's Red, and they told me it was out of stock after 27 days!
solefald said:
steve vai?
nice stuff

just got
the best album this year:
this band is great ,just unbelievable, if you like the melancholy of old kakatonia,the beautiful progressive style of old opeth, old dark tranquillity you must know this band

old opeth+old DT+old katatonia???? I must hear this band as soon as possible!!!!
Strider said:
old opeth+old DT+old katatonia???? I must hear this band as soon as possible!!!!

hell yeah you must
they have 2 full lenghtalbums out and a debut minicd with 5 songs
steal the light
spirits and august lights
and the new one
years in waste

Nuclear Blast rereleased the first 2 albums on one cd so you need just to buy 2cds to have all their stuff

check out their homepage, there must be some songs to download
I hope you like it, I think OG is one of the best new finish band sout there and they sound absolutely NOt like the other finnish Chilrden of Bodom-Soundalikes or the Gothic-HIM-Ripoffs(well COB or HIm arent bad but there are too much bands out there who sounds like them, wheres the new fresh metal???)
I travelled 3 hours to find out the 12 CDs I ordered hadn't turned up in the music shop I went to :(
I had a small episode of depression-buying instead :p

Cult Of Luna - Self-Titled - Not too bad, but looking to get the digi-pack version of their latest album, Salvation, today ^_^

Vidna Obmana - Spore

Lustmord - Paradise Disowned - Heard good things about this one and was happy with Purifying Fire, so I took the leap.

My discman batteries overcharged and bloated, which now stops discs from turning :(
solefald said:
the best album this year:
this band is great ,just unbelievable, if you like the melancholy of old kakatonia,the beautiful progressive style of old opeth, old dark tranquillity
I know what you mean, but I'm sorry to say that to me the combination feels a little too... uninspired? The band certainly has done some good stuff, but to me it feels more like a rougher version of early Katatonia with mediocre vocals. The progressiveness of Omnium Gatherum is not quite on the level of Opeth - and I fail to hear much Dark Tranquillity in their music.

A good band, yes, but not that great, IMHO.

-Villain (waiting for Lost to Apathy to arrive)
I actually decided to buy Omnium Gatherum's new album after seeing them live last night. I've listened to the album a few times and I've started to like the vocals I used to consider to be below mediocre. I like the drumming a lot, groovy, accurate and pretty diverse.

btw, you should check out Total Devastation, the drummer and a guitarist from OG play there as well. Their 1st album was an ok effort but next one will devastate, totally.
Not just bought per se, as I can't seem to find it anywhere, but Enslavement of Beauty's 'Megalomania' is quite an interesting album, a combination of Shakespeare and black metal for interesting, nay, fascinating results!
And with track titles such as 'Dainty Delusive Doll', 'Malignant Midwinter Murders' and 'Benign Bohemian Brilliance' you can see they do so love their alliteration! :D
Villain said:
I know what you mean, but I'm sorry to say that to me the combination feels a little too... uninspired? The band certainly has done some good stuff, but to me it feels more like a rougher version of early Katatonia with mediocre vocals. The progressiveness of Omnium Gatherum is not quite on the level of Opeth - and I fail to hear much Dark Tranquillity in their music.

A good band, yes, but not that great, IMHO.

ok ok I accept your opinion(burn in hell, no just a joke)
well my comparison to Dt is more in the way that there happends a lot of in their songs although they are just about 3-4 minutes long, like it is in DTs music, I think they do a lot of feelingdriven music like DT or old opeth(just until my arms your hearse, the newer stuff I dont like too much, I cant FEEL too much with their newer ablums, but havent heard yet the latest one )
but for me OG is a very good band, its with a lot of subtile emotions hidden under the guitars and vocals, well the singer could sing better in some songs but its ok how he does it, its more out of his stomach, emotiondriven singing style
I like this band very much
perhaps someone founds the same what I found in their music :headbang:

but I also wait to lost in apathy too
so thats where we have something in common
Dark_Jester said:
Not just bought per se, as I can't seem to find it anywhere, but Enslavement of Beauty's 'Megalomania' is quite an interesting album, a combination of Shakespeare and black metal for interesting, nay, fascinating results!
And with track titles such as 'Dainty Delusive Doll', 'Malignant Midwinter Murders' and 'Benign Bohemian Brilliance' you can see they do so love their alliteration! :D

did you heard any song of EOB????
I know megalomania, a good and interesting album BUT their music is very strange.It is more keyboarddriven music with black metal vocals, not very hard but with a special taste. if you hope to get blasting black metal with tons of riffs and so on, Enslavement of beauty is not this music, just melodic keyboardmetal with harsh vocals.
some people damn it, some people like it, just a kind of warning if you still dont know their music
solefald said:
did you heard any song of EOB????
I know megalomania, a good and interesting album BUT their music is very strange.It is more keyboarddriven music with black metal vocals, not very hard but with a special taste. if you hope to get blasting black metal with tons of riffs and so on, Enslavement of beauty is not this music, just melodic keyboardmetal with harsh vocals.
some people damn it, some people like it, just a kind of warning if you still dont know their music
Oh, I've heard it, I was subtley hinting that because I couldn't find anywhere to buy it, I downloaded it all instead :D.
Yes, I agree, compared to most metal bands it is fairly light; I'd call the sound, with the exception of the vocals, goth rock, and the vocals black metal. I can understand why people would damn it if they were expecting pure untainted black metal, but I absolutely love it. Is it true that the band has split up now? :(
Dark_Jester said:
I can understand why people would damn it if they were expecting pure untainted black metal, but I absolutely love it. Is it true that the band has split up now? :(

yeah it has an interesting mood

hm thats new for me that they split up. I dont know if its true
well their homepage is down and the label ones too since a long time
but I really dont know.
ask asgeir of borknagar in the borknagarboard, perhaps he knows something about them
Enslaved - ISA

wow... I'm truly amazed... though all the praise by King Chaos I wasn't ready for such a majestic album!!!!!
it's incredible, full of great atmosphere... all the songs have an epic vibe to them, but in the old viking way... more in a post-rock way... not that they have turned into GYBE! clones! they are still fast and heavy and scorching (especially Grutle's evil screech)... throughout the listen I've been reminded a lot of Opeth's Still Life, but more in the way the guitar riffs are played than the riffs themselves... can't explain better, sorry...

all in all this is a fucking masterpiece. After three albums of refining, Enslaved has finally blossomed into something new and exciting.
King Chaos said:
I thought youd like it Strider. Can you hear the Mastodon in there?

mmm... Mastodon in there? no, franly I haven't heard it... I think I'll stop working now to go to listen to ISA again... (what a poor excuse...)
on a sidenote: what do they mean with ISA? is an acronym, since it's all capitalized or what?
Strapping Young Lad - For Those Aboot To Rock DVD
Not a cd, but close enough. Ok. So, it's SYL. It can't be bad. Glad we got that settled.
The guitar is way too low on the mix...it might sound different on a proper 5.1 home theater, since it's been mixed for that (too? I think it still should work ok in stereo though), but still, it's a bit disappointing because all the crunchy riffs lose a lot of their edge. All in all that's pretty much the only complaint I have.
Otherwise it's good stuff, I was thinking that Devin wasn't being nearly as whack as on the Hultsfred bootleg...but then he starts rubbing his nipple and moaning on the microphone, just to proceed to give it head... "FORCE FED!"
What music?
One more thing. Devin doesn't seem to be as much of a multi-talent like Mikael Åkerfeldt, but only in this respect, because he can't really just do the screams and go into cleaner vocals in the middle of the same song. The screaming might do more for his throat than growling does to Mike's though, but nevertheless...he seems to run out of breath a couple times. But I'm just complaining. It's kick ass. Somewhat cheap too, only 20 euros.
I'll go watch the last few songs now.

I just received Lost to Apathy today and have been listening to it for the past couple of hours. A few short comments about the content follows.

The title-track is a good song, but not too enduring, IMHO. Having listened to it in mp3-format on a daily basis for a week or so I have pretty much become bored with it. It is probably a good choice for a single, though, as it hooks the listener immediately and remains in your head even on the next morning. For us, who thirst for a less straight-forward and more challenging DT-experience, it is but an appetizer. In that sense it represents Monochromatic Stains a lot. I will review the song more properly as a part of the album, once Character is out.

Derivation TNB is interesting, but somehow "elusive". This far I've been unable to "open it up" so to speak. Calm and soothing, but also foreboding - that's pretty much all I can say about it now. Will have to listen to it more (which is certainly a positive thing).

The Chaos Seed remix of The Endless Feed has this far been the most captivating track on the EP - which should be quite a surprise, as I have never been fond of any remixes or the kind of electronic music the track supposedly represents. Somehow I just find loads of emotions in the chaotic structure of the song and in the many separate sounds, be they from guitars or keyboards (there's one particular keyboard-part that reminds me of the intro to the old game called Phantasy Star IV). Another Archetype this certainly ain't, of which I'm very thankful. I can't wait to hear the album-version of the song.

The live-version of UnDo Control is pretty unnecessary for me, as I have it on the Live Damage DVD and much rather watch the performance than just listen to it. I tend to skip this track and go back to the first or second song instead.

The video on Lost to Apathy is excellent in my opinion - simple, yet creative and certainly emits a huge amount of emotion to the viewer. Renewed my interest on the song for sure!

The screensaver is very nice as well; the great live-pictures remind me of the past summer and Tuska - and I believe I even spotted myself on one of them! :D

The artwork on the CD-case and the booklet (and the CD itself!) are of the typical high quality of Niklas' Cabin Fever stuff. Nothing to complain about, although there really isn't much to see in a mere two-page booklet. I couldn't spot any typos there, btw.

Overall, well worth the 5.95€ (from cdon.com) for me. :kickass:

Villain said:
The live-version of UnDo Control is pretty unnecessary for me, as I have it on the Live Damage DVD and much rather watch the performance than just listen to it. I tend to skip this track and go back to the first or second song instead.
i agree with you on this. the idea of including it in this release -since it wasn't on exposures- was definitely nice, but this track ruins the whole mood of the cd for me, so i kinda wish it wasn't there. :/

I couldn't spot any typos there, btw.
www.cabinfevermedia:com :p
My last order was Live Damage and The Gallery a week back or so. Sadly I don't own that many cd but I have the LP version of Damage Done :D
just some mp3 replacements...

pain of salvation - BE (damn what a fine-looking booklet... as always.)
nick cave & the bad seeds - murder ballads
nick cave & the bad seeds - the boatman's call

(edit: )
oh, and I got Nightingale´s new album recently. sounds good, but I wish they'd go less for the progrock-ish stuff and do more songs like alonely...