Which European country should I move to, to form serious band?

I don't think it's very important for you to move out of Australia. Bands release good cds that get recognized no matter where they are. Australian death metal? Ignivomous for example. Amazing band. There have to be some death metal gigs / community in Sydney, don't tell me there are not.
Norway gives you money to come, and a free house and car...

You are joking yes???

Finland has been highest on the list for me for a while but since I'm here I thought I would try and learn a thing or two about actually moving to the country , how difficult would it be to get work as an English speaker, how acceptable are they of foreigners and how difficult is it finding reasonably cheap accommodation etc.
Finland has been highest on the list for me for a while but since I'm here I thought I would try and learn a thing or two about actually moving to the country , how difficult would it be to get work as an English speaker, how acceptable are they of foreigners and how difficult is it finding reasonably cheap accommodation etc.

I've heard that apparently they speak English in England
I met a Swedish girl today and she said Norway is a great place to work , better and easier than Sweden for an English speaker...
The Swedes just like to come here because the wages are higher here in Norway ;)

I can back this up. When i was backpacking through Norway i met a couple of Swedes who were staying in hostels because they were working in the country.
Every single service occupation in Oslo is taken by Swedes between 18-30. Apparently the Norwegians hate them. They have a term for them, like "party-Swedes", because all they do when they don't work is drink and misbehave.
I'm surprised no one has recommended the U.S., with our 10%+ unemployment rate, low-brow popular culture, and xenophobic political views. Sounds like the perfect place for a struggling Australian musician to me.


Oh wait, maybe it's because the thread title said something about European countries, derp de derp.
Norway. Besides playing music you could stick stuff in each others asses.