Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

You should read my review and then post on the dispute thread.... would love to hear from someone who truly enjoys it.

Alright, I'm game.

This form of death metal though, the kind that trys to cater a little to fans of say PANTERA...

I was just going to say why I like the record, and not get into your review, but this line is like you wanted to insult me. Geez...

So what you're saying is that it's lowest common denominator music? Becuase that's what I get out of that statement. Anyway, better than disagreeing, you just get an eye roll from me...

Anyway, Divine Empire rule. Sure, they're not breaking any new ground in death metal, but some of us don't want that. If there are ten bands that sound like Malevolent Creation, then I say good, I'll buy all ten of them. I know what I like in metal.

As for Nostradamus, I like the production on the album alot. It's got alot of low end going for it, and I think it works really well. The musicianship is top notch, and Blachowicz's growl is solid. The songs keep me interested throughout the whole thing. It's not tremendously long, which is good for an album like this.

If I have any problems with the album, it's cosmetic. The album title is lame, and I don't like the overuse of movie quotes through the record. In fact, I never like that at all.

My score: 8.5/10
Actually, I like PANTERA, have seen them numerous times... but there are people that think PANTERA is the heaviest, most brutal band on the planet and gauge every album they listen to based on that... I believe those people would find this to be a better death metal release than say NILE....

I think they are a fifth tier band, Blachowicz growl is more monotonous than Glen Benton on his worst day (In Torment In Hell)...

And to say that they sound like MALEVOLENT CREATION is an insult to MC...

Papa Josh said:
Actually, I like PANTERA, have seen them numerous times... but there are people that think PANTERA is the heaviest, most brutal band on the planet and gauge every album they listen to based on that... I believe those people would find this to be a better death metal release than say NILE....

Ok... I just can't stand Pantera, so I took it a different way.
Still, I disagree. I would think that the jock-rock masses would prefer a band like Nile because they have a cheeky gimmick. Myself, I would put them at about the same level. Nile is brilliant when they are actually playing, but those stupid ass 'Egyptian' interludes make we want to bust the cd when I hear them.

I think they are a fifth tier band, Blachowicz growl is more monotonous than Glen Benton on his worst day (In Torment In Hell)...

I have no problem with Benton's vocals on In Torment In Hell. :)

And to say that they sound like MALEVOLENT CREATION is an insult to MC...

Hey, I wouldn't have done it at all, but I pulled it from your review!
bloodfiredeath said:
Nile is brilliant when they are actually playing, but those stupid ass 'Egyptian' interludes make we want to bust the cd when I hear them.

Quick side step......

Wow, I would say that the Egyptian interludes with kettle drums and tribal choirs etc distinguishes them somewhat. Indeed, if it wasn't for the Egyptian epic themes, I wouldn't be into them as much.

But that's me - I like things fucking big and EPIC!! :cool:

...anyway, carry on....the DE discussion is interesting :)
JayKeeley said:
Wow, I would say that the Egyptian interludes with kettle drums and tribal choirs etc distinguishes them somewhat. Indeed, if it wasn't for the Egyptian epic themes, I wouldn't be into them as much.
Yeah, that's the opinion of alot of people I know, but I just don't care for it. If they were a workman like death metal band, they would be so good. I don't see anything special about the Egyptian stuff. I find it very unimaginative and 'gimmicky,' anyone could do it and throw it in there between songs.
bloodfiredeath said:
Ok... I just can't stand Pantera, so I took it a different way.
Still, I disagree. I would think that the jock-rock masses would prefer a band like Nile because they have a cheeky gimmick. Myself, I would put them at about the same level. Nile is brilliant when they are actually playing, but those stupid ass 'Egyptian' interludes make we want to bust the cd when I hear them.

I have no problem with Benton's vocals on In Torment In Hell. :)

Hey, I wouldn't have done it at all, but I pulled it from your review!

Nowhere in my review did I say they sound like Malevolent Creation. I called them a MC knockoff, simply because every member in their band has been in MC at one point or another, minus the new drummer. It's like they are the MC rejects. Make sure your facts are straight...

Judging from your comments regarding In Torment In Hell and Nostradamus, you are easy to please when it comes to death metal... just regurgitate the same tired formula...

Some bands are good at this (Asphyx, Boltthrower) but I do not consider DE to be one of them.

And if anybody can do what Nile is doing, why aren't you? Bottom line NILE has more originality and interesting shit going on in the first 2 minutes of their cds than DE has for the entire 30 minutes...
Papa Josh said:
Nowhere in my review did I say they sound like Malevolent Creation. I called them a MC knockoff, simply because every member in their band has been in MC at one point or another, minus the new drummer. It's like they are the MC rejects. Make sure your facts are straight...

But you didn't call them Malevolent rejects, you called them a Malevolent knockoff. In my book, you clearly made a comparison between the bands. If that's not what you intended, then fine, but don't act like you don't know how someone could read that.

Judging from your comments regarding In Torment In Hell and Nostradamus, you are easy to please when it comes to death metal... just regurgitate the same tired formula...

Death metal ain't rocket science. Some bands do take it to another level, which is great, and there are alot of bands that do pump out predictable no frills death metal albums. I enjoy the latter, others may not. It's cool...

Some bands are good at this (Asphyx, Boltthrower) but I do not consider DE to be one of them.

It's all subjective man. To me, Asphyx is untouchable, so I'm right with you there. I like Boltthrower alot too, but those guys have been regurgitating the same stuff forever now. Don't get me wrong, I like it fine, but I think that putting them on a higher plane than DE for the reasons that you do is contradictory.

And if anybody can do what Nile is doing, why aren't you? Bottom line NILE has more originality and interesting shit going on in the first 2 minutes of their cds than DE has for the entire 30 minutes...

Funny how you just accused me of misquoting. I did not say that anyone can do, as a whole, what Nile does. I've made sure to point out that I think they are brilliant musicians. What I said that anyone (and excuse me because I didn't clarify that I mean any competent death metal band) can throw in 'weird' noises, chants and a gimmick between songs. I'll stand by my opinion that I think that stuff takes away from how good they can be. I know several people who don't listen to metal at all, but know who Nile is because they are that 'Egyptian band.' I think that's too bad really.
bloodfiredeath said:
But you didn't call them Malevolent rejects, you called them a Malevolent knockoff. In my book, you clearly made a comparison between the bands. If that's not what you intended, then fine, but don't act like you don't know how someone could read that.

A knockoff doesn't mean the band has to sound like the other, just simply that 2 of the three members were in MC...

It's all subjective man. To me, Asphyx is untouchable, so I'm right with you there. I like Boltthrower alot too, but those guys have been regurgitating the same stuff forever now. Don't get me wrong, I like it fine, but I think that putting them on a higher plane than DE for the reasons that you do is contradictory.

Not contardictory, Bolthrower are better :p Besides, their longetivity speaks for itself. If DE is putting out cds in 10 years, then we'll talk... When Boltthrower comes on, you know it's Boltthrower. DE sounds like half a zillion other death metal bands...

Funny how you just accused me of misquoting. I did not say that anyone can do, as a whole, what Nile does. I've made sure to point out that I think they are brilliant musicians. What I said that anyone (and excuse me because I didn't clarify that I mean any competent death metal band) can throw in 'weird' noises, chants and a gimmick between songs. I'll stand by my opinion that I think that stuff takes away from how good they can be. I know several people who don't listen to metal at all, but know who Nile is because they are that 'Egyptian band.' I think that's too bad really.

Why if somebody is genuinely into a subject (i.e. Egyptian mythology), is it considered a gimmick? That's rubbish....
bloodfiredeath said:
Yeah, that's the opinion of alot of people I know, but I just don't care for it. If they were a workman like death metal band, they would be so good. I don't see anything special about the Egyptian stuff. I find it very unimaginative and 'gimmicky,' anyone could do it and throw it in there between songs.
I agreed with this for a long time, but for some reason one day it just clicked, and then when I heard In Their Darkened Shrines it just blended perfectly, the Egyptian stuff perfectly complemented them.

Also, I'll echo JayKeeley on this one. :Spin:
Yeah that Madder Mortem is probably my favorite review on the site, that Siouxsie and the Banshies comparison damn near killed me. I want to hear that CD out of morbid curiosity now... :)
If you must know, there is a track available on the End website...the album has received some positive reviews (and I'll confess to enjoying it), although I can see where such harsh reactions originate...the vocals on Jigsaw will either unnerve the listener or make him/her immediately reach for the stop button.
Dark One said:
Trust me, no you don't


markgugs said:
I'm sure some people will totally dig them; they're just not my thing at all. Just like I'm sure their are plenty of people who scoff at my love for Arthemis and Dragonforce *cough* Dreamlord *cough* :grin:

Not Ayeka - he's got Dragonforce in as his best album of the year so far!