Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

neal said:
third, i know you dont need me here, ive only made about 10 fucking posts on this board anyway. its not a big deal, i just dont want to post here becuase anytime i do i just get a truckload of shit for it anyway

Is that true? I mean, really?

becuase i generaly have different tastes than the rest of RC.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of reviews do you think are missing thus far from the RC site. Forget the forum for a second - what about the webzine itself. And bear in mind, we've only been live since March 3rd of this year.

I'll take your opinion even in the heat of battle. Look! It's just a flesh wound...
npearce said:
I'm not sure how I'm a redneck, though.

Well look at the bright side, you could be a limey.

For the record, I don't find some of the "old school" threads all that exciting, but, like AA, RC has some of the smarter, more serious types posting. That's why I post here.

Serious postings like this one...?

kovenant IS all about gay sex and worshiping dildos, im surprised its not everyones favorite band around here. -neal

Neal makes me laugh. :lol: He's got a heart of gold really. He helps old ladies cross the street, and takes out his neighbors trash.
naw my neighbor is a crazy old man. i try to avoid that dude. and i barely ever take out my own trash and recyling. theres always cans and bottles piling up all over the place.
Yeah, I'll completely admit to shrugging my shoulders at that myself! In my own defense, it was one of the first reviews I had ever written (for Amazon), back in 2000. After a few years, and many CDs, that album uh, wouldn't exactly be a '10.' Probably a lot closer to an '8', maybe '8 1/2'.
Papa Josh said:
Huh? What? Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe......



...neal saw the error of his ways and came home to us, safe and sound. Everyone - group hug.
neal I just have to say that that is by far the best KMFDM album cover ever. I bought the t-shirt of it when it came out. Industrial and techno are some of my favorite things. Skinny Puppy,KMFDM, Throbbing Gristle, etc. Love that stuff. I think there needs to be more reviews of some industrial metal bands.
npearce said:
A side note for neal:

Redneck's are from the south, HICKS are from Kansas.
ahh see over in cali we dont really know the difference. you all look the same to us haha. the words are used pretty interchangably.
smotheredhope said:
neal I just have to say that that is by far the best KMFDM album cover ever. I bought the t-shirt of it when it came out.
yeh, its not really their best song or anything, but i like the art concept for sure. BRUTE is the shit.

now is the time
get on the right side
you'll be godlike
neal said:
ahh see over in cali we dont really know the difference. you all look the same to us haha. the words are used pretty interchangably.

So what's so special about Cali? The cost of living? The rent? The self-important folk? Haha, I'll be cooking a nice steak on my grill with a bong in one hand and a wine glass in the other when your state slides into the ocean!

southern cali is the part thats going to break off and slide into the ocean when the 'big one' hits. ill be glad to see them gone as well.
markgugs said:
Yeah, I'll completely admit to shrugging my shoulders at that myself! In my own defense, it was one of the first reviews I had ever written (for Amazon), back in 2000. After a few years, and many CDs, that album uh, wouldn't exactly be a '10.' Probably a lot closer to an '8', maybe '8 1/2'.

Yeah, I personally think "The Cold White Light" may be the best Sentenced album yet (way better than "Crimson" to these ears, which I still enjoyed though) and yet I still only gave TCWL a 9.2. :-)

I hear ya though, when you start writing reviews for the first time, it seems easy to liberally throw out some really high scores, and then as time passes you begin to realize more and more what makes a quality release and is truly worthy of such high praise.
Dark One said:
Yeah, I personally think "The Cold White Light" may be the best Sentenced album yet (way better than "Crimson" to these ears, which I still enjoyed though) and yet I still only gave TCWL a 9.2. :-)

Err... only a 9.2??

that disc has a few good songs, but bores quickly... you probably have me figured out already though... I think North From Here is their best release.
Papa Josh said:
Err... only a 9.2??

that disc has a few good songs, but bores quickly... you probably have me figured out already though... I think North From Here is their best release.

Yeah well, it's funny, my tastes, particularly over the past year or so, run closer to the "North From Here" style than TCWL style, but I dunno, something about the album just grabs me, what can I say. "North From Here" does rule though.

Yeah, I mean "only" a 9.2 from the standpoint of Mark giving "Crimson" a 10 and me giving TCWL a 9.2 when I think it's one of Sentenced's best if not the best album.
neal said:
southern cali is the part thats going to break off and slide into the ocean when the 'big one' hits. ill be glad to see them gone as well.
Err... what makes you think that faultline will split CA in half? It runs all the way north, bub. :grin:

For the record I hate Southern California (the people really, not the environment), and am looking forward to getting the fuck out. Don't quite know when though, job, friends, and family sort of get in the way from me making a mad dash to Montana. :)