Who are you going to vote for?

Vote who for you will?

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McCain votes with Bush over 90% of the time. It's not just propaganda, it's fact. He's only significantly deviated from Bush's record once in 2005, and even that was over 75% from what I can recall. If McCain's camp is fine painting Obama as 'the most liberal senator' based exclusively on votes on abortion, then they should have no problem with Obama citing the fact that, in 2007, McCain sided with Bush 95% of the time that he bothered to vote, and 100% of the time that he bothered to vote this year.
It's very true, but similar in significance to McCain painting Obama as the most liberal senator; that is...not a lot.
We'll see how far McCain strays from the Bush legacy in the coming months now that the general election is beginning.
Barack Obama.

Someone earlier mentioned being concerned about Hillary Clinton being his VP, but I can't imagine that happening. I don't think Hillary would take it, and I severally doubt that Obama would want to have Bill around all the time. Maybe I'm thinking about it in a stupid way, though. Whatever.

I've heard that one the likely VP candidates for Obama is PA Governor Ed Rendell, who would help bring in the blue-collar demorcrat vote Obama had such trouble with, as well as the Jewish vote and Pennsylvania.
It's very true, but similar in significance to McCain painting Obama as the most liberal senator; that is...not a lot.

youre absolutely right. just given the circumstances this election year, bush hating is a perfect to sway the public. and i think it will be more effective than your typical liberal/conservative trash talking that happens every election year.
The issues mentioned in the media are analogous to the seating arrangements on a sinking cruise ship. If it isn't 'sexy' or compressible into a soundbite, it does not get coverage, and unfortunately many get their information through the idiot box.

I may just vote Obama since he'll screw things up that much more quickly.
Barack Obama.

Someone earlier mentioned being concerned about Hillary Clinton being his VP, but I can't imagine that happening. I don't think Hillary would take it, and I severally doubt that Obama would want to have Bill around all the time. Maybe I'm thinking about it in a stupid way, though. Whatever.

I've heard that one the likely VP candidates for Obama is PA Governor Ed Rendell, who would help bring in the blue-collar demorcrat vote Obama had such trouble with, as well as the Jewish vote and Pennsylvania.

many people that I have talked to ( or seen on TV ) have been saying that a Obama-Clinton team would be good in two ways: obviously ( ideally)both nominees votes come to Obama, and secondly that it is almost like a "super-team";first black presidential nominee and women team. GRoundbreaking in a way.
Why are your candidates always religious? Even that Obama guy who seems fairly clearheaded is religious. Is it hard to get elected if you´re not openly religious or something?
It is completely impossible to be elected in America if you don't at least pretend to be religious. There is one admitted atheist in Congress (out of over 500 people) and he is from one of the most liberal parts of California. I have a feeling that Obama is not actually religious. How else could you be part of a church for twenty years and not realize your pastor said a bunch of crazy shit? Either way it won't prevent retards from saying he's a muslim because he has a foreign sounding name or that he's a black nationalist because someone he listened to once said something.

My vote is going to Obama. This country has been getting destroyed for eight long years by conservatives and I am sick of it. I'm getting really angry right now just thinking about it.
many people that I have talked to ( or seen on TV ) have been saying that a Obama-Clinton team would be good in two ways: obviously ( ideally)both nominees votes come to Obama, and secondly that it is almost like a "super-team";first black presidential nominee and women team. GRoundbreaking in a way.

People shouldnt vote for Obama or Clinton because they are a minority.

And from news channels I have watched since he won the nomination, it was unaminous that Clinton as VP wouldnt be good for Obama or Clinton. Saying Clinton could do more as NYS Senator than a VP, it doesnt seem that it's logical. Some were saying a guy from VA so they could get more votes there but I dont really know
Why are your candidates always religious? Even that Obama guy who seems fairly clearheaded is religious. Is it hard to get elected if you´re not openly religious or something?

yup. americans by and large seem to have this idea that if you don't buy into religion then you must be a horrible person. :rolleyes:
I wonder who McCain will choose. Will he go more moderate? More conservative? I am actually somewhat very curious.

With the view some hold of Obama as ultra-liberal, a moderate VP could steal quite a few votes.

With a conservative VP he could make himself more attractive to the ultra-conservative crowd which currently range from abstaining to voting for McCain to voting for Obama as some sort of statement. I have even heard someone say to vote for Obama to teach the country a lesson, because it will all be such a disaster.

If I felt myself in such a situation, I would tend to take the "lesser of two evils" approach, rather than that radical stuff.
Ralph Nader is currently campaigning in my state. It's originally his fault that things are the way they are now. I get more politically angry at the mention of his name than any other's.
Ralph Nader is currently campaigning in my state. It's originally his fault that things are the way they are now. I get more politically angry at the mention of his name than any other's.

Not true. There was a study conducted in which it found that as many Republicans in key areas voted for Nader as Democrats. The conclusion of the study was that Nader did not sway the election either way. Besides, Gore won anyway.

As far as VPs go, I wouldn't mind seen Evan Bayh either, who would also do well with the blue collar demographic.