Who are you going to vote for?

Vote who for you will?

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very funny.. :rolleyes:

Big media is making Obama, who has done NOTHING, out to be one of the greatest guys who ever lived.
If Obama wasnt black, he would be a nobody.
He wants to "talk" with the terrorists. :lol:
More taxes! yippeee!!!!!
and of course, he's as anti-gun as you can get.

To Obama's credit, the liberals almost always raise taxes, so yeah
I think the government, under the proper management, would make better use of our tax dollars than if we didn't pay taxes and most of us wouldn't know how to manage our own money, then complain the government doesn't do enough for us. Nobody is ever satisfied.
I think the government, under the proper management, would make better use of our tax dollars than if we didn't pay taxes and most of us wouldn't know how to manage our own money, then complain the government doesn't do enough for us. Nobody is ever satisfied.

i completely, 100%, disagree.

this is a fundamental difference between the left and right though. no one knows how to best spend my money, but me. no third party will ever know or understand my personal situation.
There will always be people in this country who need help from the government. In order for that help to be delivered, there must be a certain amount of taxation. By constantly fighting against that you are forsaking the people who need the most help.
I shant be voting for anyone, for I am not American.
There will always be people in this country who need help from the government. In order for that help to be delivered, there must be a certain amount of taxation. By constantly fighting against that you are forsaking the people who need the most help.

Not to mention taxes pay for schools... roads... police... firefighters... and, oh yeah, GR's paycheck from the Air Force...
Big media is making Obama, who has done NOTHING, out to be one of the greatest guys who ever lived.
If Obama wasnt black, he would be a nobody.
He wants to "talk" with the terrorists. :lol:
More taxes! yippeee!!!!!
and of course, he's as anti-gun as you can get.

I lose IQ points every time you post.

Obama... definitely. Though, McCain's one of the more liberal Republicans, and I wouldn't want to die if he won. Unlike Bush, who almost made me cry when he won again.
There will always be people in this country who need help from the government. In order for that help to be delivered, there must be a certain amount of taxation. By constantly fighting against that you are forsaking the people who need the most help.

Compassion is for the weak.

As for religion and the presidency, it's impossible to get elected and not say you are religious. Atheists are the "least trusted minority" in America. Americans would elect an african american, homosexual, or woman way before an atheist.
Not to mention taxes pay for schools... roads... police... firefighters... and, oh yeah, GR's paycheck from the Air Force...

military is required, welfare is not. we spend too much money on people who arent worth it. defense and education are important. but i dont want my money going to some fat ass slacker who doesnt want to get a job.
military is required, welfare is not. we spend too much money on people who arent worth it. defense and education are important. but i dont want my money going to some fat ass slacker who doesnt want to get a job.

I like how everybody always focuses on the most horrible people on the world when they think of paying money for a universal healthcare program that they so quickly forget that they're paying for themselves as well, as if, of course, the vast majority of people who need help are worthless pieces of shit who don't even merit a good loogey to put out a fire. Everybody forgets that the government is not here to look out for what's best for you, but rather what's best for the nation as a collective, and maybe what's best for you is not in line with what the nation really needs. Is it impossible to think of anything but your own needs?

i dunno liek dis iz just the way i feel sumtims, the goverment of the nation should be concerned only abut me...

oh and who iz dis copernicus douchefuck?
You're kidding right? So a person who legitimately cannot hold a job should just die? I'll be the first to admit that the welfare system needs reform, as a matter of fact, I will tell you that my own mother doesn't deserve the welfare that she gets, but the welfare system is a necessity in this country. No matter what, we should have a system in place that takes care of those that are genuinely in need.

(@ GR)
defense is important.

Wrong. Yet it makes up the vast majority of this country's budget. Don't mind the biggest deficit in history, let's build more fighter jets!

education is important

Right. In fact, education is probably the most important thing the government should be funding. But the fact is that its grossly underfunded because all the money is going to defense.

The result of this imbalance is that with a poor education, the nation's youth become stupid enough to buy into idea that we need to have the best military in the world, otherwise we all die.

Lack of education causes ignorance, and ignorance is the root of conflict. Diplomacy works much better, but it requires more intelligence than what is required to declare war.

And by intelligence I mean human, social intelligence, the kind that allows us to understand multicultural perspectives and lets us rise above our bestial instincts and come in to understanding with other people, cultures, and nations.

That is one major reason I favor Obama over McCain. Obama wants to talk directly with Iran, because he values education and is smart enough to know that human dialogue is FAR less costly and FAR more effective than maintaining ignorance and enmity, as McCain wants to do.
