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If people did care how people felt, we wouldn't need to waste money on defense.

I disagree

Your spelling is ridiculous. And your logic. The terrorists attacked us as a response to our military, and cultural, interfering with the terrorists' home countries. We fuck with them, they fuck with us. If we set an example of tolerance and respect of their values, they will find no need to attack us.

You are clearly ignorant. The terrorists attacked us because they hate their own governments as much as they hate ours. That includes any and all governments and peoples that do not prescribe to their particularly brutal and fundamental view of Islam. Read some Wahabi sermons by their friendly Mullahs
I'm sorry lads, but it's looking like McCain takes the cake for now. Even if it is to my dismay as well...

You dont have to like McCain to vote for him. He is just that much better than Obama.
You can be against the war all you want, but we are there and you cant just pull out

and terrorists attacked because they hate us. They hate our way of life. They hate everything about us.
Politics of fear are much more expensive than straight diplomacy. If we were all two-year-olds we would need that kind of logic in the way we conduct ourselves in the world.

First of all, if we went by proper intel we wouldn't have gone to war at all.

We had the proper intel because it was so incredibly funded, but the Bush administration twisted it to suit their purposes.

You think having the most well-funded defense program would make us all feel safer? Statistics show that the majority of our citizens don't feel safer.

diplomacy doesnt work with terrorist groups

you dont understand intel at all. nothing is for certain. there was intel supporting both sides. in that situation, you have to go with your gut. sometimes your gut is wrong. however, if we had more money invested in more intel collection assets, we would have had more intel to support the truth, instead of what we had. the more intel assets we have, the more/better info we can get

as mathias said. who cares if people FEEL safer, they ARE safer.

let me tell you a story about the military. we're broke. plain and simple. we're having to cut thousands of people from the air force because we dont have a enough money in the budget to pay them. and since we're obviously at war, we need more people. we also cant afford to send people where they need to go, that includes deployments and moves to high impact locations in the US. lastly, its obvious that with less money we cant afford equipment like armor for vehicles, parts to repair damaged vehicles and aircraft.

our military isnt even close to functioning properly. and because of that, the country is at terrible risk. we dont have the resources we need to do defend ourselves. and who do we have to thank for that? the dems.

everytime a soldier dies, you can thank someone like john kerry because he took away the funding and kept the soldier from getting the things he needs.

(ok, that last sentence is an exaggeration, but you get the idea)

and dont tell me we're broke because of the war. we were broke before the war. thanks to dems cutting our budget
If you were broke before the war, why the fuck did you go to war?

That said, I understand your point that the military is a victim of this just as much as the rest of us (except the administration/corporations). The Dems want to cut defense funding because they are trying to encourage alternative means of conducting foreign relations besides bombing or spying on other nations. This is perfectly analagous to the energy crisis. The Dems are in favor of alternative energy, but conservatives and big businesses don't want to give up their old ways because they continue to profit from them.
The specifics of the defense budget is not particularly relevant. As is it is massive and probably should be reduced to a more reasonable level. A big way to save money would be, I don't know, STOP FIGHTING A MISGUIDED WAR.
Once again Genocide Roach plays the role of the village idiot, not surprisingly. Also, the problem wasn't underfunding of the intel department, it was retarded administration and coordination and funding things that don't need to be fucking funded. There's FAR more money in the defense than it needs to run at the exact level that this country needs, but there's too much damn fluff money, just like in everything else in the government.
think of a new weapons system like a tattoo. when you start to skimp out, you get a fucked up product you dont like
I'm voting for Obama, A Libertarian would be nice but I must put in my effort to make sure McCain isn't elected. 8 years of George W Bush is enough, and enough of this unnecessary war, that's mainly why I'm voting for Obama, because we know McCain is prone to starting more wars and will continue to fight in Iraq. It's time we pull out of Iraq and end this.
I'm not overly leftist or righty, it's just that the issues that matter to me are supported by the Democrats(War, Separation of Church and State, Social issues, Freedom of Speech). Even though Obama will support a lot of unnecessary government programs it's worth it to not be in any wars.

too late. we're in one. and no one can do anything about it. and we certainly cant just pull out everyone at once. doing so would be disaster, and probably begin the planning of another terrorist attack. "the evil US came in, destroyed our home, and killed our families. we must retaliate".

and ya know what, theyd be completely justified in attacking us
too late. we're in one. and no one can do anything about it. and we certainly just pull out everyone at once. doing so would be disaster, and probably begin the planning of another terrorist attack. "the evil US came in, destroyed our home, and killed our families. we must retaliate".

and ya know what, theyd be completely justified in attacking us

You are so astronomically unintelligent. I don't even know what to say to someone as cripplingly ignorant as you.

We could just fucking do the smart thing and give up control over the war and let the UN come in and do something.
Not saying the UN is perfect, but I'd bet that at the very least a world effort to work to end this would be much more successful.
the UN wants nothing to do with this. and theyre spineless pussies

and actually, i want nothing to do with this thread
they arent designed for it. its a political discussion group. you want shit done in an international fashion? talk to NATO

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