I, for the life of me, cannot decide on a candidate. I don't like any of them. I've turned to third party candidates, but of these I can't find anyone either! What the fuck's up with the Libertarian party candidate? The idea behind libertarianism is that as far as economics go, it's mostly conservative; but for social/individual rights, it's liberal. I just looked up Bob Barr, and as far as economics go, I like him. But as far as gay marriage, the war on drugs, legalization of drugs, and religion go he's nowhere near what libertarianism is supposed to stand for. As far as abortion goes, it's always been a topic of debate amongst libertarians; but Barr doesn't support pro-choice either.
So many small third party candidates are Christians or even pastors, which I want to avoid at all costs. I used to be for Mike Huckabee until I read some of his positions regarding Christianity and this country.
And I can find no parties that reject a strong foundation in religion except for parties that exhibit a liberal economic agenda, and I don't want that.
The closest thing I can find is the Constitutionalist Party, which adamently advocates freedom of religion and separation of church and state. They are very open towards freedom of the individual but still maintain a very laissez faire economic policy. Unfortunately, this party is not a real party, in essence. It hasn't taken that step yet, and has no presidential nominee. I'm completely lost when it comes to voting. Most of the people running are morons or smart people that I simply don't agree with.
I'm sorry lads, but it's looking like McCain takes the cake for now. Even if it is to my dismay as well...