Who is going to MDF '11

Are you going to MDF 2011?

  • Probably going - DO NOT want to share a room

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Latex clothes
Sexdoll (because there will be no living females in your groupie)
I need to get my ass to a store to buy a sleeping bag, a backpack, and earplugs. Other than that, I think I'm set. Don't think I will be bringing any music since I know I have some similar tastes to Yoda, Addo, & MoM.
If i were driving up this year i would consider bringing my rock band set, though it's probably not a great idea to have one of those in a small hotel room packed with drunk metalheads.
I had a momentary freak out moment last earlier this morning as I was scrambling to get ready for work. I noticed that I couldn't find my ticket where I had remembered leaving it last. ._. ended up late for work by a bit because of a crazy top to bottom room search for it, and it ended up just being right in my face on my desk.
There will be such thing as downtime, ya know.

There will be a lot of Seinfeld fans in the UM MDF group.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Seinfeld myself. I'm just wondering, since it's only a 3-day holiday, wouldn't you want to do something else on your off-time other than watch TV? Anyway it doesn't really matter since this is your weekend, not mine, so ignore the confusion.
I was wondering if any of the people staying with us would be interested in purchasing a copy of my bands upcoming EP. I'm thinking about waiting to get the prints done and to official release it after MDF but if enough people are interested I'd consider doing them before. They will probably be about $6 each. Hand-numbered with awesome art and layout by none other then Andy Phelps.

Check the link in my sig for samples.
Through me and the band. It's a self-released EP/Demo CDr. I would like to get a few distros to stock it, but I have no idea what they charge and how this kinda of stuff works.
Me too!

BTW does anyone know if Brad is coming this year? I don't recall him posting in the thread and he hasn't sent me money but Zeph has him listed in the OP. I need to figure out whether to factor him in.