Who is going to Tuska Festival?

If you like Amoral you'll probably like Deathchain (Brutal but catchy-as-fuck death/thrash) too. Don't miss em on Saturday.
And yeah I agree, AMON AMARTH also rule!!! I'm also looking forward to seeing them, as well as SENTENCED (who are splitting up soon...kinda sad but I do respect their decision) and many other kickass bands at RH!
Same thing for me...nothing personally against going to a show in the USA. I went a couple of times to Syracuse, NY and Burlington, VT, but Atlanta is pretty fuckin' far from our northern country ; if you can afford to pay a plane ticket to Atlanta...I'm sure you can for Europe.

Well I'm sure if you compare quality-quantity of band / price : Europe wins. (yeah..duh) So it's worth every exceeding penny anyway :p

Most of the bands on Progpower that interests me (Therion, Angra, Stratovarius) are coming to Canada anyway. ...and Gigantour is supposed to get here too...at least Montreal is confirmed.
tuska tuska tuska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... ähem, sorry. :loco:
this summer is definately going to be the ultimate festival-summer. of course only in case i survive rock hard tomorrow :loco: :D :headbang:
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
it was more or less a joke, but still I dont think id go to the USA for a show.

That means the joke wasn't a joke doesn't it.
You whine about not being able to see bands, but when you get the oportunity you don't go because of some stupid prejudice which isn't at all related to the reason why you're going...

Shut up then.
man theres no need to bust this arguement out again, but maybe you'd think the same if you were in my shoes, maybe id see the same in your shoes. but whatever man, it really doesnt matter. Its just how I feel, my opinions and my morals and they are strong. So why would I break some "stupid prejuice" when I feel strongly about the situation. I mean were all supposed to "stay true" here and technically that is what I would be doing. buuuuuuuut....who the fuck cares.
panzerKunt said:
If nobody cares why post those "why can't this band and that band come to the other side of the Atlantic boo hoo" posts then?
there is none of that. just jealousy. posting that is bullshit, its a lot easier for me to fuck off to europe and see some band, then hope they come here. I know that, I accept that. Everyone feels jealousy at some point in there lives, but alas I guess I am not entitled to want something.