Who is the future of metal?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Which band do you think will be the next leader of the metal scene? We've had Sabbath. We've had Priest. We've had Maiden, Metallica, and inevitably these will pass down the ladder, making way for a new 'top of the crop'. Who do you think it'll be?

Iced Earth? Blind Guardian? Opeth? KoRn? :)o)

WELL? :mad:

Papa roach, slipknot???? Nooooooooooo :mad: But i think metal will continue to become more popular unless another phase pops up soon. My prediction is..... that we'll have boy and girl metal bands. And that will suck! So i think the future of metal is it will become far more commercial, except we'll still have the quality underground bands :) I hope
I don't really know, a kid at my school that listens to Slipknot, Korn, etc just bought Still Life I heard. I don't know if he likes it or not because I haven't talked to him but I think Opeth has a lot of potential to become huge in the metal scene. They deserve it anyway.
Man o man is that a tough question! :loco:

My HOPES are that it can be a band like Iced Earth (although they've been around, what, 15+ years now!). Still, these guys get better with every release I think.

In REALITY, I don't think there will be another TRUE Metal band the caliber of a Priest, Maiden, Metallica, etc.. at least here in the States. The media doesn't push it any more which of course means no TRUE Metal band will ever be able to reach that kind of height in Metal. :(

Yeah, without support there won't be any really "big" metal bands; at least not new ones. I guess Metallica will continue to be big, but I don't know if they deserve to be called metal anymore....:mad:
Since we're talking about Metallica in this frame of mind...

If you want to hear the direction I would have LIKED to hear Metallica take and be at at this point, check out this band:


They are called Am I Blood. Quite an awesome album and reminds me a lot of a WISHFUL modern day Metallica.

NP: Kamelot - Karma
Damn, I mainly was referring to tunes from their album "Truth Inside the Dying Sun" but I see they have no clips from that album on the mp3.com page. You can check out their older stuff though.
Originally posted by MetalAges
Man o man is that a tough question! :loco: In REALITY, I don't think there will be another TRUE Metal band the caliber of a Priest, Maiden, Metallica, etc.. at least here in the States. The media doesn't push it any more which of course means no TRUE Metal band will ever be able to reach that kind of height in Metal. :( LONG LIVE TRUE METAL!;)

As far as I was aware, Maiden were huge in their day. And at the time they were classed as pop metal as they had several huge hits. So surely with time some of these coomercial bands could become accepted as true metal just like maiden have?
I think that rare bands nowadays put any effort in their music.

Turning up one's volume to 8.6 out of 10 and playing as loud as hell through the amp is the easiest thing. But putting some thought in a song, well, that one is so damn hard.

Look at nu metal: loud as hell, idiotic repetitive lyrics, same style over and over again, and they get all the airtime. And they fill up arenas. I can't help thinking everything's going haywire.

I think Lemmy is the future of metal. The geezer has always been there, and it seems that he always will...
Originally posted by 403
I think that rare bands nowadays put any effort in their music.

I dunno, I can't really agree with that. Sure nu-metal isn't rocket science, but there is so much stellar stuff coming out of the 'underground'. To be sure, the days of black metals 'turn it up loud and play like shit' are gone (mostly, apart from a few staunch 'true' ;) ones). Even Marduk, who people may dismiss as just blast fanatics, really do put alot of work in (also in background research for topics etc..). Well, atleast this applies to the stuff I listen to, but I am pretty selective. :)
With the sentence "Not much bands put effort in their music these days" I generalized about the whole scene turning lukewarm. Of course there will always be exemptions, MP3.com for example is full of them (you just have to know where to look), but look at Cradle Of Filth (Dusk was the last decent album, the rest turned into a kids show), look at Dimmu Borgir, Amorphis etc etc.

I heard rappers that listen to COF call it "evil core". Hah.
Sitting here today, I really don't see any bands that in 10-20 years will be the Metallica/Priest/Aerosmith's/Zeppelins's of today : those bands that can last for decades.

It seems that our choices are mainstream "fad" music which doesn't seem to have longevity, or underground bands which have longevity, but only for those few who know of them.

I think bands like Korn, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, which have all made the mainstream will be around for some time (but are these considered "metal" by your definition?).

I think Metallica are the defining metal giants, whether you like them at present or not (personally, they faded to me after the Black album). But the future of metal can't rest on the shoulders of these "older" bands. There is a lot of good metal talent out there, but it seems that the music industry will not open their arms to them, so we are stuck seeing bands like Nevermore and Opeth in these small venues, while the other "crap" (as I call it) plays in the arenas.

It seems the only way to see these better metal bands at bigger places is when they play 1/2 hour sets with 20 other bands at these festivals. Crap - I'd love to hear a 2-hour Nevermore or Opeth set.

You might have added Backstreet Boys to the list while you're at it :D
Originally posted by 403

You might have added Backstreet Boys to the list while you're at it :D

Oops - I was trying to get the longevity point across, and forgot this was metal....
metalmancpa receives dope slap and comes to his senses:rolleyes:
OK you are forgiven this time....But don't do it ever again! I mean it! :D
I think the immediate "future" (and maybe this is only because it's what's caught my attention lately) are the sludgier, groovier, a lot of time more abrasive bands... slower, harsher, head-banging as opposed to air-guitaring...

some of them are stoner-ish, some of them Southern twang-esque, almost all of them sprouting off the family tree grown from EYEHATEGOD and IRON MONKEY...

current top-notch bands: RAGING SPEEDHORN from UK, WEEDEATER (ex-BUZZOVEN) from South Carolina, RABIES CASTE from Israel, BLESSING THE HOGS (with super producer Billy Anderson in it), FISTULA, there are lots of others...
Boltthrower, my man, I like you already. And here I was beginning to think I was the only sludgecore fan on the whole damned site. Have you heard Charger (also from UK) and Matamodo (not 100% sure I got the name right, but they recently toured with Charger and Rabies Caste)? They're another couple of bloody good bands within that genre. You should check out Grief as well, if you can find anything by them.
More on topic with the thread, I personally would love to see Opeth or Katatonia take the kind of role you're discussing - out of the two, I can see Katatonia being more likely - if only because their sound is a bit more accessible than Opeth's, rather than because their music is better - personally, I prefer Opeth anyway.
I just hope to God we don't see bands like Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park taking up the reins left dangling by Metallica - that would really symbolise and personify a sad decline in the state of metal that most of us recognise but don't want to admit is as widespread as it is.
hey, dill... yeah i do like Charger... i think maybe you're talking about MATTER? they're fronted by Dom Lawson who writes for Kerrang but I've yet to track down their demo called "Blackleg" --

i've never really explored the katatonia/opeths of the world only because the dreamier/wispier stuff always seems to get pushed back in my pile by the harder/crushing stuff for me. go figure.

but there are a lot of up n' coming sludge outfits here in the USA... SOFA KING KILLER. SOULPREACHER. SOURVEIN. GOD'S IRON TOOTH. then again, you guys have so many as well... i always surf through CustomHeavy.com or Stonerrock or Berzerker for the good shit.

jesus christ it's a cornucopia of sludge!