Who's The Most Overrated Metal Band

TOOL! I hate those fuckers with a passion. Also Opeth, Children of Boredom, Cradle of Filth, and Dimmu Borgir.

I hate all those bands listed but Opeth. Just like some have said, Opeth fans are at Opeth's ass, sucking at it.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Korn!!! I can't stand these fucks!!! They think that crap is music?! Do ME a favor, keep puttin out the MTV hits and the industry will turn you guys into Metallica in no time and then *poof*...there goes your career. A favor for all!
My list (which will overlap some others) includes these bands. I know I'm gonna get flamed for some of these, but oh well. I'm a ridiculous cynic/critic, I guess.

Actually, a good # of these bands actually turn my crank from time to time, but not enough to justify the lavish praise that they occasionally (or regularly) get:

-Cannibal Corpse
-Arch Enemy
-Dying Fetus
-Dream Theater
-Mayhem, every era
-Theatre Of Tragedy
-Iron Maiden
-Strapping Young Lad
-Marmaduke, er...Marduk
-Type O Negative
-November's Doom
-Children Of Bodom

....to name a few.
o0ooO i saw Six Feet Under mentioned, i forgot about them. They are definately overrated with their lousy slow meaningless lyrics. I have to give them credit tho, they were the first death metal i ever heard..
Opeth, Darkthrone, Emperor and Dimmu. Mayhem are hugely overrated. I went to see Mayhem live, and it was just boring.
And about Metallica, I like their music, but it's not really metal, anymore.
Cradle of filth
Dimmu Borgir

would have to be the most over rated as far as I'm concerned, on the other hand, I can't think of a band in which I like ALL of thier material, so in an essence every single band is over rated.
I've a quick reply on this subject:
The most overrated metal band is Tool. They are ok, but not truly anything very special.
The most overrated rock band is The Doors. A good second-prize winner is Pink Floyd, which is a good band but not that that good.

Cradle Of Filth
Dummy Burger
and many other "troo", "kult", "evil" BM bands :)

IMHO, bands can be considered overrated if they are totally UNTALENTED yet continue to grab all the attention(examples of which are mentioned above). So I think Opeth, Arch Enemy, Meshuggah, and Cryptopsy are not overrated because they KNOW how to PLAY their instruments; they deserve all the praise they are getting.
Originally posted by letaT
Cradle Of Filth
Dummy Burger
and many other "troo", "kult", "evil" BM bands :)

IMHO, bands can be considered overrated if they are totally UNTALENTED yet continue to grab all the attention(examples of which are mentioned above). So I think Opeth, Arch Enemy, Meshuggah, and Cryptopsy are not overrated because they KNOW how to PLAY their instruments; they deserve all the praise they are getting.

So the more technical the band is the better the band is? :rolleyes:
MacMoney: Yeah. I think metal is all about being technical, otherwise metal bands would ditch double bass drumming, fast guitar solos, soaring melodies, and complex time signatures, elements which most (if not all) "nu-metal" bands DON'T have. :)

Nocturnal Emperor: Yeah you're right, you got me. But not as well as the other bands though hehehe(those that I mentioned earlier). Peace! :)
If anything SABBATH IN UNDERRATED. OZZY never got the credit he deserved until he did it on hhis own. The old sabbath opened a door for millions of fans that never heard anything like it in there time.(early 70's)
Originally posted by letaT
MacMoney: Yeah. I think metal is all about being technical, otherwise metal bands would ditch double bass drumming, fast guitar solos, soaring melodies, and complex time signatures, elements which most (if not all) "nu-metal" bands DON'T have.

If so, why are you listening to shitty not-that technical bands like think Opeth, Arch Enemy, Meshuggah, and Cryptopsy instead of actually technical bands like Watchtower, Spastic Ink, Lethargy, The Dillinger Escape Plan etc.?