Why are keyboards in metal so hated?

Erik said:
ohohoho polarity calling someone else pretentious

that's just precious

saves the day are one of my favorite bands i dont see how you can accuse me of pretentiousness at all, given that my "metal sucks" thing was just a troll that you got really offended by for some reason
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Most keyboards sound too artificial. It's acceptable when used for intros and interludes, but when you have synthesized strings screeching throughout your entire album it gets annoying (COF, Dimmu, Emperor). I do enjoy "primitive" keyboard instruments such as piano, organ (especially the godly Hammond B3), mellotron, harpsichord, and even old Moog synths, as they all have a unique sound as a real instrument should. Playing a sample of an orchestra and manipulating the tone and pitch sounds like shit.

Thoth-Amon said:
No it's because most metalheads are afraid of liking something that isn't "tough and angry" sounding. So they ridicule them.


Most of my favorite bands have a keyboardist. I'd take Jens Johansson, Michael Pinnella, and Janne Warman over so many guitarists.
"Most metalheads" are generally not the type of people that post here, so that comment is pretty irrelevant in the context of this board. I myself find tastefully done keyboards to be very fitting.
hibernal_dream said:
Orchestral choirs and the like are alright, if they are kept buried deep in the mix. Keyboards should be mainly used for atmosphere

Tasteful keyboards -

Pestilence in "Spheres"
Burzum (besides the ambient albums)
Negura Bunget
Ras Algethi
Summoning (usually)

Distasteful Keyboards -
Children Of Bodom + 100 Finnish bands
Dream Theater
Samael (sometimes)
Nokturnal Mortem

I thought Emperor used them rather effectively.
Necuratul said:
"Most metalheads" are generally not the type of people that post here, so that comment is pretty irrelevant in the context of this board. I myself find tastefully done keyboards to be very fitting.

You are right... but we were talking about "most metalheads" not most people who post here and don't have insecurity issues about how "tough" the music they listen to is.
well, just plain keyboards suck because sampled sounds sound really artificial and fake to me. Go play a note on a grand piano and then play it on a keyboard set to grand piano and you will see what I mean. Synthesizer keyboards, on the other hand, pretty much rule when used right. Mellotrons sound somehow better to me as well. Synths are pretty effective in industrial rock like NIN and skinny puppy, because of the infinity of sounds you can produce. I'd love to hear some of that in metal.