Why are keyboards in metal so hated?

>>>I'd love to hear some of that in metal.

There's a group called Throcult that made a CD "De-facto" with an excellent use of industrial keys. Imagine a death/thrash Marilyn Manson. Great CD...everything Manson should have been if he had talent. They changed to black metal shortly after that CD, but from start to finish it's a badass album in case people want to look for a fresh sound.

They changed to black metal shortly after that CD
Latest Throcult album is death metal vaguely similar to The Chasm

Pretty decent album too but 3 drastical stylistic changes in 3 years makes me question what the fuck they think they're doing exactly
About 2 years ago I delivered pizza to the lead singer of Throcult.

He was wearing a Throcult Tshirt, and I was like "sweet tshirt, I love that band". He said he was used to be the singer. I guess they split up and more than one person left the band.

Tragic, as I thought they could have been huge with their "Defacto" sound. Rare to find bands that creative and unique.

I don't mind keyboards, but they rarely sound as good as the instruments they're synthesizing. I'd rather hear real piano/organ/strings, samples, old-school analog synths, and production effects. That said, keyboards can provide some damn good ambience, and there are some metal bands (Amorphis, Skyfire) that use them well.
Try finding some of their songs off the DeFacto cd...it's pretty good stuff. Definitely not extreme death metal, but definitely unique in a metal world of copycats.

I think most people assume keyboards aren't "metal", so therefore keyboard usage is lame. I mean adding keyboards to the grim production of black metal would be blasphemy in the eyes of some
Most keyboards sound too artificial. It's acceptable when used for intros and interludes, but when you have synthesized strings screeching throughout your entire album it gets annoying (COF, Dimmu, Emperor). I do enjoy "primitive" keyboard instruments such as piano, organ (especially the godly Hammond B3), mellotron, harpsichord, and even old Moog synths, as they all have a unique sound as a real instrument should. Playing a sample of an orchestra and manipulating the tone and pitch sounds like shit.

pretty much
I enjoy keyboards in metal when they are applied correctly, not just cheesy melodies played with power cords in the background.

Arcturus is a grand example of how keyboards in metal should really be used. In Arcturus the keys, handled by master Sverd, play an equal role with the other instruments.

Keyboards tend to work better in specific genres of metal. For example, Rammstein rose to the apex of industrial metal with their keyboard sounds while Emperor revolutionized black metal with their spectacular use of the keys.
I've always thought that a good keyboardist can do just as much for a band than a good guitarist, if not more.

Covenant's Nexus Polarus would not have suffered so much from mediocre guitar work, as it would have had the keyboard work been horrible.

Peccatum's work for me has always been about the amazing keyboard work that is going on more than anything else, aside from the few tracks where Ihsahn shows off his clean vocals :)

Pain of Salvation would lose an entire facet of what makes them amazing without keyboards.

Infact, most bands I listen to aside from tmost of the death metal I like, make use of a keyboard in some way or another, and most all of them would just not be the same without one.

Keyboard work is amazing when well done and will continue to be an integral part of metal as it evolves.
I don't mind keyboards. But I definitely think that they don't fit every band or style of music. I like keyboards in black metal (keyboards fit the sound of many black metal bands), but they don't fit with the music of most death metal or thrash bands. They certainly fit well with power metal, but I'm not a power metal fan.
Life Sucks said:
I don't mind keyboards. But I definitely think that they don't fit every band or style of music. I like keyboards in black metal (keyboards fit the sound of many black metal bands), but they don't fit with the music of most death metal or thrash bands. They certainly fit well with power metal, but I'm not a power metal fan.

I agree. The melodic and epic feel that keyboards can evoke is only appropriate for some genres.
Dream Theatre anyone? XD

Anything Melodic is usually kind of cool too. Gives it a "Opera Metal" sort of feel of it - Mostly Blind Guardian is my favorite in that cate. owever, some bands like Europe.. eh.. *craps*

Only non-metal band I can of that used Keyboards awesomely was "Teenage Wasteland" by "The Who". Love it.
IMHO, the only band that hasan actual keyboard player that uses them effectively is Amorphis, especially on their latest. Insomnium doesn't have one, but they use them very atmospherically.
Zack said:
IMHO, the only band that hasan actual keyboard player that uses them effectively is Amorphis, especially on their latest. Insomnium doesn't have one, but they use them very atmospherically.
