Why can´t they just shut up ???

Originally posted by Mayh
Well I never said that YOU said that germans were stupid :confused: it was just an example! You don´t know anything about germany (according to your former posts) so you are really prejudging germany and it would be wiser to base your oppinion on facts, I really don´t care people don´t like Punjabi music, just as long as the don´t prejudge it going about saying (note I´m note quoteing you Wolff) it sucks altough they haven´t heard it or know nothing about it. It´s like Mikael Åkerfeldt said, " if someone doesn´t like Opeth because the song are to long or what ever they don´t get what Opeth is about" (someting like that)

Good point. I think all people should listen to the full Opeth song, and then give an opinion. Very good example.
Originally posted by MightyA

You don't even have to watch a movie or read a book to know whether it's good or bad?

Right, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. Are you gay?
Originally posted by VultureCulture

she knew why.

She wouldn't sleep with me as she wanted to retain her virginity.

Is it a crime in Germany if the girl has lost her virginity in pre-marital sex? You don't stone her to death do you?

I miss you Elizabeth.
yep, we also burn witches and chop of the hands of thieves. that's why so few have internet - they have no hands to type with.
i am aware that in the us of a the prudence level is much higher than here. no need for you to move here, though.
Originally posted by VultureCulture
yep, we also burn witches and chop of the hands of thieves. that's why so few have internet - they have no hands to type with.

Interesting. I heard from a friend of mine whose uncles first cousins neighbours wife was seeing this Navy SEAL... and he told her that they chop heads in Saudi Arabia. Didn't know about Germany though.

What happens to nonvirgin wives?
Originally posted by Wolff

Whaddya mean a lot of english word are german you silly nut? English word are english.

think about the word kindergarten I mean if you break it down in english it doesn't mean any thing you can't even find the root words of it in english. But the wore "kinder" in german means kid so you can assume that kindergerten is a german word right. A lot of german words when said sound a lot like english words, like "Gaste" you can guess means guest ect. . . that what I meant that the meaning of the word comes from other languages
Originally posted by Opth_001

think about the word kindergarten I mean if you break it down in english it doesn't mean any thing you can't even find the root words of it in english. But the wore "kinder" in german means kid so you can assume that kindergerten is a german word right. A lot of german words when said sound a lot like english words, like "Gaste" you can guess means guest ect. . . that what I meant that the meaning of the word comes from other languages

kindergarten=kin + der (small) garten (garden spelled wrong).

So kindergarten means garden for your small kins. Fucked up if you asked me, but so are so many idioms in english. And didn't English win 5-1 against germany? Michael Owen, is that German too?

Hey Wolff, you´re great :grin: didn´t laugh that much since long hehehe
And the best is - obviously some of the guys (gays? not sure whether spelling is correct for I´m german speaking) take u serious? nope, can´t believe that :)
Well, I know where Germany is located, i know where the U.S. are located, too. Heck, I´m clever! You u.s. guy don´t know where germany is located, so u´re deaf ... hehe, I don´t like deaf ppl so I don´t like u.s. ppl ... right?

Hehe, I've laughed my ass off...damn, how could you react so OVER-seriously to Wolff? I think he laughed his ass off too! I mean, I can understand that you can't accept it in the beginning (what he said about Germans), but after like 10 posts you guys are still that serious about it! :goggly: :loco:
it's obvious he wanted to provoke me, but that doesn't change what he said before. even if he meant it as a joke originally, it was absurd and not funny at all. people should know when to stop. am i joking about sebtember 11th? no, because i know my borders.
Ok, I can understand your point, but what is THAT shocking about saying that he dislikes Germans?? I mean its very narrowminded and all that too, but come on, don't take everyting THAT seriously... it's not good for yourself, right?
But tell me, are you an activist, someone who walks with every worldpeace demonstration? (This is a serious question):cool:
yep, this whole thing is not good for my health :D
no, i'm just an ordinary person "fighting the legions of ignorance" :)
hell, i for myself know how important war is sometimes. but i do not appreciate it, and in this special case... well i already said that.
maybe i got a bit sucked into that topic, well, nevermind. nevertheless it angers me.
Originally posted by VultureCulture
now we are getting on a somewhat strange level, methinks. how can you not like people of a specified country in general? i mean, no one can be "blamed" for being born in a country. so you must have some reason why you dislike germans. tell me please. i want to throw some clichés aboard.

this is europe. you can find germany at the center of the map.

i think thats a bit unfair of you. its not about ''JUST'' being born in that country, its the way of life, its the way the people are brought up. i still think its stupid to hate someone because of that, but who cares at least hes not one of those people that lie about their opinions to try and be polite, rather than themselves. i thought here on the opeth board we were alowed to voice or opinions and not be ashamed or shy about them. that also means your allowed to freely argue and let your thoughts known, all i ask is that you don't get too worked up about it.
Wolff...are you insulting people again? :p You need to learn more about a people and where they're from before you start being all silly about it and saying ya don't like it. Ya never know, man. You might really like Germans and that one asshole you met years ago or that German chick that wouldn't put out...all water under the bridge. :grin:

As far as Germans. UGH! :mad: They're picky, stubborn AS ALL HELL, tricksters, smarty-pants and they always over react and have huge temper tantrums...at least the one I fell in love with is. ;)

Originally posted by _Transparent_

i think thats a bit unfair of you. its not about ''JUST'' being born in that country, its the way of life, its the way the people are brought up. i still think its stupid to hate someone because of that, but who cares at least hes not one of those people that lie about their opinions to try and be polite, rather than themselves. i thought here on the opeth board we were alowed to voice or opinions and not be ashamed or shy about them. that also means your allowed to freely argue and let your thoughts known, all i ask is that you don't get too worked up about it.

The biggest problem I had was that he didn't stay on topic I mean it's one thing to have "topic: I hate german people" for example and everyone talks about there likes or dislikes but it something else when the topic is something else and you just want to put in something to offend someone and they start arguing and everything. That was my main problem with that, Well that's my 2 cents worth I hope you enjoyed it if not who cares :)
sorry, but i'm going to butt in again.

pschology 101, when someone is (jokingly, in this case) saying outrageous things to provoke people, IGNORE THEM if you don't like it. I can't believe you all don't see he's purporsely saying stuff to make you mad. geez. he's achieving his goal by getting you all worked up. it's pretty funny.
Well maybe Germans are more sensitive to things like war, rasicsm because of our history. Discussions about what was going on in the past are very frequently here in media of all kind. When someone is talking bullshit like Wolff without any reason a hot discussion follows. It is always this way and this is good I think. Everyone has to fight against intolerance and even if Wolff was only joking, we have the right to react that way. I always thought that this forum isn´t as dull as others that are mostly populated by teenagers that hasn´t even finished puberty. Insulting statements like Wolff´s have to be answered. Let me say it with a altered statement of one of my favourite bands "Gorefest" (R.I.P.):

"The downfall of humanity is caused my mass stupidity..."