Why Death metal?

MetalBooger said:
Why not life metal? does it mean your twisted or disturbed if you listen to teh death metal? Define this shit cuz im mostly into heavy and power metal. And other than the instrumentals, why is it good?
KiwiCam said:
Death Metal is a style and a genre; It's not a guideline saying 'you need to sing/growl about death and decay'.
So in theory, is isn't all about death. I have heard songs from 'death metal' bands which have turned out to be the most mellow, melodic and beautiful songs I ever heard.

exactly fuckin right. it bothers me when people view the stereotypical sound of death metal as being loud,meaningless guitars with ridiculously unitelligible vocals that just talk about death, satan, and eating babies. mind you there are lots of bands who do nothing to detract from from that stereotype so whatever; some people dig it that way, others don't and thats why death metal evolved. bands took what they liked in the genre and took it in all sorts of different directions and thats cool for people like us who look for interesting new sounds or directions. on the other side of things lots of people still think that power metal is just pompous music about castles, dragons, and other shit like that.
anonymouswierdo said:
EDIT: I accept that your taste in music is different from mine, and I won't try to force you to like anything else. You have listened t oa variety of genres and decided what type of music usually appeals to you (I expect there are tracks from other sub-genres -and even completelyy differen't full genres- that you like too).

If you'd only expeirenced mainstream pop and stuff, I might try to get you to try new things, so you could make a educated decision.

:rock: I like this post a lot

I can sympthasize with people who don't like bathory or burzum (I haven't heard either extensively). I myself don't like Opeth, and I sort of feel like I am missing something that makes them so loved.
3) Look it up yourself, lazy fucker. www.google.com
:Puke: you hooker.

there are a shit load of death metal bands out there, is it just me or do they outnumber any other genre? I personally dont it think its a very creditable form of music, so when im looking for new bands, it sucks hearing all the same shit. :heh:

Im not a metalhead, i just listen to a very picky, and in my opinion, classy (not pop), list of music. Its so fucking damn hard finding a good metal band of any genre in my opinion. But i too also feel like im missing something when i hear stuff like bathory and opeth. Maybe my life is missing severe beatings and apparitions of a bloody satanic occultists?

Flame away.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
This thread is so ridiculous that I cannot contribute. Your posting is unacceptable and you should all be ashamed.
oooo somebodies in a bad mood :loco: you need a hug dude. i think it's called death metal cause the band death are like the inovators of death metal so maybee its named after them,but im probly talkin shit.
Its called death metal because people wanted to call it death metal. It has a ring to it. It sort of caught on, you know. People weren't singing about thrashing anymore, they were singing about killing and dying. Why were they singing about killing and dying? Why do they write movies about killing and dying? I can't explain it without embarrassing myself. Life metal, white metal, blood metal, ect don't exist because no-one created them.
Someone once told me that it's called Death Metal becase Death(the band) invented it. Is this true?
Hahaha, I wonder what will happen if that guy actually says that to someone who knows alot about death metal.