Why Death metal?

Possessed - Death Metal

Demo, self-produced

The first ever death metal demo. Brian Montana on guitars.

"Fallen Angel" was recorded during the same session, and did not make the
official demo, but it was just as heavily bootlegged. Fallen Angel was a
one-take track, done quickly at the end of the recording session.
1. Death Metal 03:17
2. Evil Warriors 04:20
3. Burning in Hell 03:20
Total playing time 10:57
because if they where dead when they make it it would not exist so its a retarted name for it
Hahaha, I wonder what will happen if that guy actually says that to someone who knows alot about death metal.

Maybe he will make a few lame burns to his only death metalhead friend? I seriously I doubt death metal has a strong enough basis in any community to make a dude look like an idiot for being clueless.
monkeypole said:
oooo somebodies in a bad mood :loco: you need a hug dude. i think it's called death metal cause the band death are like the inovators of death metal so maybee its named after them,but im probly talkin shit.

If you try to hug me I will fucking kill you. I will stab you in the throat with a Popsicle stick and fucking kill you.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
If you try to hug me I will fucking kill you. I will stab you in the throat with a Popsicle stick and fucking kill you.

you gays...guys are all fuckin' posers and you can all smoke my fuckin' pole. away with you,go back to your limp bizcuits and you korn and slipknot, you have discraced the metal community :mad:
Carcassian said:
Why death metal?


i actually preferred their approach on heartwork and swansong myself but to each his own. they're different approaches from the same great band. i discovered my fav's of theirs way after they came out however and i'm sure that people were crying sellouts but fuck em. if u can dig it who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks? if we did we'd all be listening to 50 cent and good charlotte.

Why death metal?
Nile need to recruit susanna hoffs if they want to be more tROO.

All the old paintings on the tomb
They do the sand dance, don'cha know?
If they move too quick (Oh-Way-Oh)
They're falling down like a domino

Karl Sanders: rrooaarrr aarrgggg EQYPT, FUCK YOUU AAARRR dddiieee
mmuumyyyy retturrnnss

And the bazaar man by the Nile
He got the money on a bet
For the crocodiles (Oh-Way-Oh)
They snap their teeth on a cigarette

Foreign types with their hookah pipes sing:
Walk like an Egyptian.

The blonde waitresses take their trays
Spin around and they cross the floor.
They've got the moves (Oh-Way-Oh)
You drop your drink then they bring you more

Karl Sanders: rrooaarrr aarrgggg EQYPT, FUCK YOUU AAARRR dddiieee
mmuumyyyy retturrnnss

All the school kids so sick of books
They like the punk and the metal band
When the buzzer rings (Oh-Way-Oh)
They're walking like an Egyptian

All the kids in the marketplace say:
Walk like an Egyptian.

Line your feet astreet, bend your back,
Shift your arm, then you pull a clock
Like Sergeant O (Oh-Way-Oh)
So strike a pose on a Cadillac

Karl Sanders: rrooaarrr aarrgggg EQYPT, FUCK YOUU AAARRR dddiieee
mmuumyyyy retturrnnss

If you want to find all the cops,
They're hanging out in the donut shop.
They sing and dance (Oh-Way-Oh)
They spin their clock and cruise on down the block

All the Japanese with their Yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
The Chinese know (Oh-Way-Oh)
They walk along like Egyptians

All the cops in the donut shops say:
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian