Why does everyone say DM is easy to play?

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Feb 11, 2006
Every time i represent my taste in music i get the same god damn reply and for the life of i dont know why people think this:
They basically say death metal or metal in general is easy as hell to play and takes little to no talent and that is basically their whole argument. I am not into any instrument enough as of yet to tell them different but what would you say in regards to this?


if that's not enough, get a necrophagist song and just skip to one of the solos
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Can be hard, but also can be very easy. Some of these very popular bands, that most of us here don't listen to play pretty simple stuff. I know a couple of friends of mine that picked up a guitar each like 6 months ago and now they're playing music that sounds like Obituary minus the solos. Hard to say really...

I'm a drummer myself, and certainly the drumming isn't hard. You could drum for less than six months and be able to play standard dm drumming, to a degree where most people wouldn't notice you're a beginner or notice anything out of place. There are a lot of established dm bands with very easy and primitive drumming - a lot of metalheads don't even care about the drumming anyway.
^That song sucks but is a ridiculous display of rhythmic adeptness.

Also, even if Death Metal were the easiest genre of music to play in the world how would that at all factor into it being worthless?

Just because painters don't paint super realistically like they did in the Renaissance does not make the painters of today any less talented or their works any less profound.
Can be hard, but also can be very easy. Some of these very popular bands, that most of us here don't listen to play pretty simple stuff. I know a couple of friends of mine that picked up a guitar each like 6 months ago and now they're playing music that sounds like Obituary minus the solos. Hard to say really...

not really

old school DM tends to be simplistic
tech and to a smaller extent brutal death tends to be more technical

what's hard to say?
Every time i represent my taste in music i get the same god damn reply and for the life of i dont know why people think this:
They basically say death metal or metal in general is easy as hell to play and takes little to no talent and that is basically their whole argument. I am not into any instrument enough as of yet to tell them different but what would you say in regards to this?

Ignore them. Why do you need the approval of others? Does it matter that someone has different tastes than yourself? Their ignorance really is no concern for you, you like what you like, they like what they like. I don't understand why people get hung up over differences of opinion here, of course nobody understands so something is wrong...:goggly:
Every time i represent my taste in music i get the same god damn reply and for the life of i dont know why people think this:
They basically say death metal or metal in general is easy as hell to play and takes little to no talent and that is basically their whole argument. I am not into any instrument enough as of yet to tell them different but what would you say in regards to this?

Um... why does it matter if it is difficult or easy to play? I've seen numerous times where you go on about how great metal is because its so difficult to play... as if that qualifies it as being good. Who cares? The only thing that matters is if the music is good, not whether it is difficult.
People miss the point when they judge music on how hard it is to play. If anything, one should consider the originality of the ideas, the way they're strung together, and that kind of thing. Ingeniuity takes real genius while technicality just takes a lot of practise.
Personally I think Obituary's sound is great, not their guitarists, or bassist, or their vocalist or their drummer. I play guitar and bass but I love Obituary cause they groove like hell.

@ neurotica

I'd say metal is pretty technical compared to most rock music which is fairly straightforward, especially tech/prog/neoclassical metal which has pretty damn impressive musicianship

I'd suggest showing them a song by maybe dream theater? so the vocals aren't an issue?
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Some is simple and some is more complex. I do think people in metal general tend to exaggerate musicians and majority of guitar,bass, and drum oriented music minues certain things is pretty equal in terms of musicianship.
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