Worst trend in Metal

Worst trend in Metal

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Absolutely. Shit is so silly it's almost as if it's a parody. Viking metal never moves beyond a small niche of individuals that take it seriously, why is that? You never wondered why?

i'm gonna combine folk and viking for this

a small niche? i guess you could say that 5 years ago. its blown up since then, especially in the last 2 years. bands like tyr, turisas, and eluveitie have seen amazing success, even in the US. and ofcourse the founders like enslaved and bathory still command a huge following.

you can say its cheesy and you dont like it. but no one can say its a small niche genre.
I voted the last one just because of 'hipster metal'. I like metalcore, but it's been getting pretty fucking stale.

If there had been a 'hipster deathcore' option, I would have chosen that
i'm gonna combine folk and viking for this

a small niche? i guess you could say that 5 years ago. its blown up since then, especially in the last 2 years. bands like tyr, turisas, and eluveitie have seen amazing success, even in the US. and ofcourse the founders like enslaved and bathory still command a huge following.

you can say its cheesy and you dont like it. but no one can say its a small niche genre.

I'm sorry but you are wrong. It's still a niche audience, those bands combined couldn't crack the top 500 or even 1000k maybe.

I will say that the scene has grown in popularity and my understanding is most of the fans don't take it so serious and are very humorous about it.

I just can't listen to music for the sake of 'humor'
why thank you profressor for correcting me...

you cant listen to music that makes you happy? man, that sucks.
Viking metal, what the fuck is viking music anyway. I also hate the lyrics, they're all just cheap exploitation without any depth, hate that Amon Amarth shit.
why thank you profressor for correcting me...

you cant listen to music that makes you happy? man, that sucks.

Of course I can. Being humored by VIking metal may make you happy but it doesn't make me happy.

But anyways, i've made my point.

Good day.
i can't believe burping vocals didnt get more votes. you guys LIKE to hear froggy and piggy and gurgling phlegm sounds in your metal?? i myself love deep as fuck growls but burping? hell no.

also, metalcore/deathcore/hardcore should NOT be lumped in with hipster and poser bullshit. because like them or not, they are valid genres and have some good bands.
Viking metal, no one pulls that off well. It's just so damn silly.

Absolutely. Shit is so silly it's almost as if it's a parody. Viking metal never moves beyond a small niche of individuals that take it seriously, why is that? You never wondered why?

It's funny that you're also the same guy that was lambasting From Mars to Sirius. Apparently you can't grasp what makes certain acts move beyond appealing to 10 people.

Folk is pretty gay. Only bands I've heard do it well are Wintersun and Vintersorg.

I'm sorry but you are wrong. It's still a niche audience, those bands combined couldn't crack the top 500 or even 1000k maybe.

I will say that the scene has grown in popularity and my understanding is most of the fans don't take it so serious and are very humorous about it.

I just can't listen to music for the sake of 'humor'

Viking metal, what the fuck is viking music anyway. I also hate the lyrics, they're all just cheap exploitation without any depth, hate that Amon Amarth shit.

The fuck, people?

And about viking and folk never moving beyond a "niche" audience? That's bullshit. Several bands that fall into this genre (folk, essentially) enjoy wide fanbases. To say that it hasn't moved beyond a small group of individuals is asinine; furthermore, you can't even prove it.

And Gojira can't touch the best folk/viking metal.
Well I have nothing against folk metal, even though I barely listen to it, at least it's folk music mixed with metal = folk metal, makes sense. But viking metal, there's not even anything to categorize it by. I also don't have anything against bands people call viking metal per say, but the actual term viking metal is stupid. Maybe we should start calling some bands spartan metal or mongol warrior metal.
If it's acceptable to sing about plain old gore then I don't see the problem with singing about being a viking and killing people. The lyrics aren't a big part of what I like about metal, and 'good lyrics' in metal usually mean punk style political shit, which annoys me immensely. If I disagree with a serious view voiced in the song then it spoils if for me.
Well I have nothing against folk metal, even though I barely listen to it, at least it's folk music mixed with metal = folk metal, makes sense. But viking metal, there's not even anything to categorize it by. I also don't have anything against bands people call viking metal per say, but the actual term viking metal is stupid. Maybe we should start calling some bands spartan metal or mongol warrior metal.

Well, most bands that get categorized as viking metal are actually just folk metal bands; however, there are a few distinct characteristics that distinguish viking metal I think.

I can understand people not liking it; that's fine. I was mostly releasing my anger at the guy who said it doesn't enjoy a wide fanbase. It has a fucking huge fanbase.
Well, most bands that get categorized as viking metal are actually just folk metal bands; however, there are a few distinct characteristics that distinguish viking metal I think.

I can understand people not liking it; that's fine. I was mostly releasing my anger at the guy who said it doesn't enjoy a wide fanbase. It has a fucking huge fanbase.

Please define huge for me. Because huge to me is not barely cracking the charts in a country like FUCKING FINLAND (no offense to finland here, just stating facts)

The genre itself may be gaining in popularity and therefore enjoys a wide fan base but individually these guys are still NICHE and that's all there is to it.

Don't be offended.
Please define huge for me. Because huge to me is not barely cracking the charts in a country like FUCKING FINLAND (no offense to finland here, just stating facts)

The genre itself may be gaining in popularity and therefore enjoys a wide fan base but individually these guys are still NICHE and that's all there is to it.

Don't be offended.

Not offended, just trying to understand what you mean. If you're saying that the genre has a certain group of fans who enjoy it, you would be correct; but then, that's true with every genre. I don't understand what you mean. Earlier you tried to claim that its fanbase was small, and that was testament to how terrible it is; but it doesn't have a small fanbase. Folk/viking metal is popular throughout Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, the UK... I mean, fucking Paganfest has been immensely popular in America even; that should say something of its popularity. And metal in general barely cracks the charts anywhere, so using that as an excuse doesn't really prove anything.

It's fine if you don't like it, but you seem to be trying to argue its illegitimacy because of how few people enjoy it. That's simply not true.
Not offended, just trying to understand what you mean. If you're saying that the genre has a certain group of fans who enjoy it, you would be correct; but then, that's true with every genre. I don't understand what you mean. Earlier you tried to claim that its fanbase was small, and that was testament to how terrible it is; but it doesn't have a small fanbase. Folk/viking metal is popular throughout Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, the UK... I mean, fucking Paganfest has been immensely popular in America even; that should say something of its popularity. And metal in general barely cracks the charts anywhere, so using that as an excuse doesn't really prove anything.

It's fine if you don't like it, but you seem to be trying to argue its illegitimacy because of how few people enjoy it. That's simply not true.

This started because I was replying to Schwarzsung's list of groups and if they were so hardcore he couldn't understand why I'd say it was silly.

The genre in it's entirety is silly and that's why I voted that my most hated type of metal. I made the reference to the niche group because it is the smallest group out of the ones listed. But to be fair I don't even know what burping vocals are?

This whole thread is stupid, lets just leave it at that lol.
Folk/Viking/Pagan metal is an incredibly nebulous genre anyway. It's hard for me to believe that Falkenbach and Draugnim play the same genre of music as Finntroll and Korpiklaani.

And when did popularity come into the argument? Just because a band hasn't been recognized by the general public doesn't mean they don't play good music.

Burping/gurgling vocals:

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I made the reference to the niche group because it is the smallest group out of the ones listed.

If you want to quit that's fine; I'm just curious about this statement, because I don't see how you can prove this, or why you feel it's the "smallest" group. I mean, even if it is the smallest, it's still a huge genre.

Folk/Viking/Pagan metal is an incredibly nebulous genre anyway. It's hard for me to believe that Falkenbach and Draugnim play the same genre of music as Finntroll and Korpiklaani.

And when did popularity come into the argument? Just because a band hasn't been recognized by the general public doesn't mean they don't play good music.

And these are both good points.