Wtf is wrong with these people...

This makes you guys go "WTF"? These are the people that cut their daughters genitalia with broken glass, so that they wont become "harlots".

To quote a guy from some video i cant remember the name of: "Its about time someone makes a glass crater out of that whole god damn place!".
Maybe hes just suffering from extreme sex and sleep deprivation?
I gotta admit it pisses me off when I cant get to sleep at night because the walls/ceilings are shaking due to my neighbours fucking each other hard and I'm pretty sure that make all my neighbours lives a misery :D
lol maybe if they werent spending their money on building fail nuclear weapons then they could afford to vibration proof their shitty budget skyscrapers. Just my opinion mind.
and I though Christianity was bad, apparently little to no education makes you believe that some superstitious entity kills people because men rape women because they are exposing their faces in public. Rather than take responsibility of the fact that they are raping women, they blame it on the women for being attractive and then still try to coin it off as god making earthquakes to punish adultery. No wonder they are terrorists, they are uneducated beyond levels of redemption.

We really should just nuke them and get it over with.
The word "they" seems to be being linked to the word "terrorist" here quite strongly. Not only are not all Muslims terrorists, not all extreme Muslims are terrorists either! The people here are messed up religious nut-cases, but that does NOT mean they're terrorists!
It's 2010.

I think the time for ghost stories and flat-earth conclusions is long over. Be a part of modern human civilisation or find another planet to be retarded on.
I swear, a fair few Iranians seem to make a habit of making themselves look like COMPLETE DIPSHITS.
Fuck you, you stupid cunts, I sincerely hope you all get stabbed in the asshole for this crap you all talk (the Iranians, not you forum guys :lol:)