Wtf is wrong with these people...

So wait... are you fucking saying that modern minded people should respect the bullshit I posted in the very first topic of this thread??

I don't fucking respect idiotic viewpoints.

I whole-heartedly agree. There is not some fucking universal dogma that I have to respect anything, and I especially refuse to respect something I consider to be pure idiocy.

I might tolerate it though, as in not going out of my way to bother those who don't bother me.
The way I see it, the only rights people have: the right to fuck, shit, eat, and sleep. Everything else is societal construct.

There is absolutely no reason why I (or anyone for that matter) should respect extremist views like the one I linked to originally... and for that matter, we shouldn't need to respect faith or religion, even when it's the more vanilla peaceful kind. If either are as virtuous as their proponents claim it to be... then it should be able to stand up to scrutiny.

If it cannot; then it is bullshit.
Yup, you can believe in flying dog cocks for all I care. Just STFU and stay out of the law making business. Stay the hell away from schools. Stop killing "witches". Also, there is nothing wrong if you're a dude and want to suck one of those flying cocks, just do it private. The religious shouldn't have a monopoly on who is allowed to get married.

Until the religious STFU and stop telling people what to do according to a book written by sheep rapist, I can't STFU either. Besides, the minority never gets their voice heard if they just sit around and take it in the ass.