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I swear, a fair few Iranians seem to make a habit of making themselves look like COMPLETE DIPSHITS.
Fuck you, you stupid cunts, I sincerely hope you all get stabbed in the asshole for this crap you all talk (the Iranians, not you forum guys)
I will say in all fairness of my previous slightly joking statement that referring to Muslims whether they be from Iran or anywhere else in the middle east, which Muslims that live there are 1. not extremist, 2. not anti-western civilization and 3. not willing and eager to kill innocent people of said western world if they feel that their religion is threatened? Of course there will be a some, but few and far between the extremists.
In the end the peaceful Muslims have left the middle east, for both a better life for themselves and their families, and to be given to right to practice their religion freely, the rest are off killing each other out in the desert and anyone else that wonders to close to the shrapnel of suicide bombers, and making themselves look like total asshats worldwide by making such idiotic statements on the news.