wtf? (serious emo thread)


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
My girlfriend's stepmom just called an hour or so ago. My girlfriend's brother, a former classmate of mine, is dead. Probably suicide, we don't know yet.

Dick Sirloin said:
Fuck off and die. Thanks. :wave:

i have no pity whatsoever for those driven to suicide. however i feel sorry for the family and friends that have to put up with such a ridiculous choice. my condolences, but what a fucking douchebag.
man as robot said:
i have no pity whatsoever for those driven to suicide. however i feel sorry for the family and friends that have to put up with such a ridiculous choice. my condolences, but what a fucking douchebag.

I just love it how people (with probably very little life experience) are so fucking self-righteous and callous. It just makes me sick. What if this was your best friend? Or family member?

People who kill themselves have massive chemical imbalances and ARE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. I couldn't imagine the level of depression it would take to consider suicide, but I seriously hope I never reach anything close to it. I've never been depressed, but several people in my family have and it is NOT "I'm sad about my life, I suck" -- it is total detatchment, a feeling of overwhelming emptiness, crushing weights, a total sickness of the brain. They need help = therapy AND medication. He wasn't making a conscious decision; he wasn't any more at fault than someone with cystic fibrosis or meningitis.
Dick Sirloin said:
it is NOT "I'm sad about my life, I suck" -- it is total detatchment, a feeling of overwhelming emptiness, crushing weights, a total sickness of the brain

nailed it there...
Doesn't apply to all suicidals though, but true. The ones who're always self-pitying are rarely the ones who end up beneath a train.

I've been a more or less 'distant' witness once of how suicide is a devastating thing for the relatives on many levels.
Of course not knowing anything about this guy means we have no clue and should perhaps wait until Demilich chooses to share more details before we reach a verdict am I right
Dick Sirloin said:
People who kill themselves have massive chemical imbalances and ARE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT. I couldn't imagine the level of depression it would take to consider suicide, but I seriously hope I never reach anything close to it. I've never been depressed, but several people in my family have and it is NOT "I'm sad about my life, I suck" -- it is total detatchment, a feeling of overwhelming emptiness, crushing weights, a total sickness of the brain. They need help = therapy AND medication.

Been there. It's not fun.
Depression isn't always the result of a chemical imbalance, BWD. Nor is suicide. I could decide to kill myself now, being perfectly happy, normal and balanced. What would have caused it? Nothing but me picking up a knife or whatever and doing it. I'm not gonna do it, but I know I could, in theory.

Also, I fucking HATE medication and the way its perscribed so loosely by doctors. It's not always an optimal decision, as well as sometimes being a temporary and inadequate solution to problems that can be solved by serious introspection and dedication to improvement.

About this guy: He was a little crazy, very bad temper, made life hell for my gilfriend when she lived with him and their dad. Their dad, in turn, made it hell for both of them, and contributed largely to this death. These kids (3 of them, 2 left now) have all been depressed their whole lives due to the horrible divorce of their parents and subsequently custody being granted to their drunk fucktard of a dad. I've seen her dad and brother get into a fistfight while both drunk, over how late he should be going to sleep.

Crazy fucking way to grow upl. These kids seriously have a HUGE disadvantage in life, though they've been provided for to some extent and live relatively well. I'm not trying to excuse what the guy did, 'cause suicide is one of the most selfish and horrible things a person can do to their family and friends and shit (not that this guy had any)

Finally got some sleep last night, but the family's taking it pretty hard.
Demilich said:
Depression isn't always the result of a chemical imbalance, BWD.

Yes it is. Otherwise it's not depression, it's "sadness." :)

That is not to say that it isn't caused by external factors most of the time. But sometimes it is not. Ever had an anxiety attack? I had one a few months ago FOR NO REASON. I was eating dinner with about 10 friends and suddenly the back of my head went numb, then my arms and face, I coulnd't breathe properly, I had an overwhelming sense of fear, and knew that I was going to die. The effects went away in 30 minutes. For a few days I felt very detatched from reality, but that went away as well.

This happened to someone who is pretty social, has plenty of friends, has no real phobias, and nothing to be nervous/anxious about. My point is: shit like this happens, sometimes without emotional cause. If those wacky chemicals in your gourd decide to mess with you, there's little you can do.

How many people have actually killed themselves as a conscious/rational decision without SOME sort of mental/physical ailment? How would we ever know?
Demilich said:
Also, I fucking HATE medication and the way its perscribed so loosely by doctors. It's not always an optimal decision, as well as sometimes being a temporary and inadequate solution to problems that can be solved by serious introspection and dedication to improvement.

I agree that a lot of problems can be solved with time and other things.

However, tell that to my dad, who went through a MASSIVE depression, for seemingly no reason. This was before the time of medicines like Prozac and such. It lasted for three years. It's not like getting a girlfriend, winning the lottery and sitting around in a Satori hut will always solve your mental (and mostly chemical) problems.
Dick Sirloin said:
However, tell that to my dad, who went through a MASSIVE depression, for seemingly no reason. This was before the time of medicines like Prozac and such. It lasted for three years. It's not like getting a girlfriend, winning the lottery and sitting around in a Satori hut will always solve your mental (and mostly chemical) problems.

I never said that NONE of them were chemical imbalances. It can be either, but much more likely a combination. Nothing's as black and white as saying "people get depressed because _____" . doesn't work like that. could be ANY reason, highly personal and stuff. Which is a large part of the reason I disagree with this laughably stupid post:

man as robot said:
suicide = good riddance. good for him.
Demilich said:
I never said that NONE of them were chemical imbalances. It can be either, but much more likely a combination. Nothing's as black and white as saying "people get depressed because _____" . doesn't work like that. could be ANY reason, highly personal and stuff. Which is a large part of the reason I disagree with this laughably stupid post:

I agree with everything you just said.
I think you're confusing depression with clinical depression. I'm not trying to start an argument, but you're not going to convince me that I'm wrong. I've had a lot of experience with this, while only once experiencing it myself. It is NOT simply sadness. In my experience, it was brought on by a very personal experience and lasted a few days. The experience warranted the changes in how I felt, which were drastic, and included a sense of lethargy and being weighted. It went away, and I'm back to my normal happy self. Just saying, it's not always as simple as you think.