"you just don't understand"

The point I am trying to make is that opinion drives criticism (positive or negative) and you should accept that. Since people possess different opinions, that will ultimately reflect their taste in music and what they will listen to. There is no such rule that says everyone should like at least one band from every genre regardless of whether the band is hailed or disliked.

I agree that calling metalcore bands "talentless" is unfair because it does require talent and that is indeed ignorant. For someone to say that is metalcore is "bad" or "good" is a matter of opinion. Bands that are more skilled and create a more desired form of music are generally subject to positive criticism where a band that has less talent is more open to negative - thats obvious.
Teh Grimarse said:
i just started to write out a 3 page essay comparing music to cheese, but i decided against finishing/posting it.

i'll simply state that i do not think "good" and "bad" are a matter of personal taste and opinion, i think they are universal measurements of the overall quality of art. all art is either "good" or "bad". it is the ignorant and narrow minded who get the two confused, thinking "bad" art to be "good" and the reverse.

"Universal measurements" is based on a general perception and for the most part, it is a good method of measuring something but in a lot of cases it isn't especially when judging art. You can't define art in such a black and white fashion by saying its either good or bad. "Good" or "bad" is essentially relative to people's opinions, even regarding "universal measurements." Otherwise you could pinpoint a single band and say, without controversy, they are single greatest band to have ever lived.
It's funny that the Arse is getting his panties in a bunch over people he deem ignorant and narrow minded because they don't like metalcore, and then at the same time, he is equally narrow minded by presuming that none of said people have made any research.
Majesty said:
No,I hate "chug-chug-chug *wait* chug-chug-chug" sounding music even if they have the best fucking drummer in the world or something.
I would fucking hardly call it music
A band using various pauses in between their triplets and has the best drummer in the world (your words) isn't music?

To quote the title of the thread: 'I just don't understand.'
I doubt you could find a countryhead(correct term?) who likes a Death Metal song. Metalheads are not any better or different than said countryheads besides music taste. There are no universal parameters on art. That's what makes it art and not something else, like math. I like surrealism, but someone else may not. That doesn't make me or him ignorant. If he said surrealism was stupid because they didn't paint something exactly as it looks, that would be ignorant.

Also, having a not so varied taste in music (or other subjective things like that) doesn't make you ignorant, it just means you know what you like.
VampyrRose said:
"Universal measurements" is based on a general perception and for the most part, it is a good method of measuring something but in a lot of cases it isn't especially when judging art. You can't define art in such a black and white fashion by saying its either good or bad. "Good" or "bad" is essentially relative to people's opinions, even regarding "universal measurements." Otherwise you could pinpoint a single band and say, without controversy, they are single greatest band to have ever lived.

However, there is good and bad art. Not everything concerning art is subjective. Some of it is black and white, though you're right to say most of it is not.
Susperia said:
However, there is good and bad art.

I would say that no, there isn't. What basis is there for assigning works of art objective value? The goals of any given peice of art are based on interpretation and subjectivity so how can any one individual evaluate how well they have been attained?
The art is only bad, if the artist intentionally made a bad piece of art work on purpose - if the artist truly believes his work is incredible (contrary to general opinion) then whose to say his artwork is bad? To the artist that would be considered ignorant. And what defines good and bad art in terms of measurement is indeed opinion based. There are no set rules to determine what makes art good nor bad. You can't only judge art on the artists' ability to draw, there's a whole other depth to it that can't simply be judged in the same fashion.
Teh Grimarse said:
i just started to write out a 3 page essay comparing music to cheese, but i decided against finishing/posting it.

i'll simply state that i do not think "good" and "bad" are a matter of personal taste and opinion, i think they are universal measurements of the overall quality of art. all art is either "good" or "bad". it is the ignorant and narrow minded who get the two confused, thinking "bad" art to be "good" and the reverse.

and you've got it figured out, right? You've never written off a "good" band before? of course not. Want me to show you some good music you're going to absolutely hate and thus claim it to be bad?
A question to Teh Grimarse:

Would you say N'sync are good or bad? You could argue that they are "bad" for being completely 'manufactured', unoriginal, fake, and lacking any artistic and respectable musical direction etc.

But would you say they are good because they helped pioneer the current pop music scene, and skillwise for their ability to actually "sing" as well as dance? And not to mention, their high popularity - they've sold millions of records....Are they then a good band? I don't think so.
Necro Joe said:
I would say that no, there isn't. What basis is there for assigning works of art objective value? The goals of any given peice of art are based on interpretation and subjectivity so how can any one individual evaluate how well they have been attained?

Yes. There is.
Crimson Velvet said:
he is equally narrow minded by presuming that none of said people have made any research.

i am utterly fucking certain that they have not. utterly.

cookiecutter said:
If he said surrealism was stupid because they didn't paint something exactly as it looks, that would be ignorant.

that's almost exactly what my point is.

most here say "metalcore is bad because i don't like the way it sounds". but they have no explaination for why they initially don't like the sound of metalcore. they haven't given the music an unbiased listen, so they are not judging it on it's own merits but in relation to their own prejudices. so that means that their narrow minded dismissal of the style came from nowhere but their own ill-informed opinions.

and that's ignorant.

Necro Joe said:
The goals of any given peice of art are based on interpretation and subjectivity so how can any one individual evaluate how well they have been attained?

well, that's the trick isn't it, but you must agree that one person who has, with an open mind, experienced many more styles of art than another person would be more entitled to an opinion on whether a work is "good" or "bad", simply because they have a much larger context to put it in?

You can't only judge art on the artists' ability to draw, there's a whole other depth to it that can't simply be judged in the same fashion.


you also can't judge a metalcore band by the fact that they play metalcore, if you have already decided that metalcore is a negative thing.

that's like me saying i hate fucking carrots, then judging a 'best carrot' contest. i would not be qualified to give an unbiased opinion.

(though really, i should learn to enjoy carrots so i can appreciate their subtleties and expand my greater knowledge of vegetables so i can be a better person.)

Mumblefood said:
and you've got it figured out, right?


You've never written off a "good" band before?

i dont think i gave darkthrone a fair listen when i first heard them at 13 or so. but i straightened myself out pretty quick. otherwise, no.

Want me to show you some good music you're going to absolutely hate and thus claim it to be bad?


VampyrRose said:
Would you say N'sync are good or bad?

as lab-created dance pop written for 11 year olds, it's spectacular.

n'sync is not art, though. it does not fit the parameters. all art must, to some degree, have been willed into existance for no reason but for it's own sake of existing. n'sync was created as a product to be sold, like Kraft Cheese Slices. there are no outstanding qualities, no aspirations of greatness in any of it's aspects.

if the guy who makes kraft cheese slices made cheese for himself, it would definately not taste like that.

art must be inspired, and never manufactured.

maybe you could argue that all music which is created by a capable composer is inspired in some small way, but there's a point where you have to draw the line. you just fucking do.
VampyrRose said:
There are no set rules to determine what makes art good nor bad.

Yes there are... what the fuck people, are you actually educated on fine art?? Or are you remembering what your high school art teacher told you in coil pot class?
Susperia said:
Yes there are... what the fuck people, are you actually educated on fine art?? Or are you remembering what your high school art teacher told you in coil pot class?

Some pieces of artwork are arguably bad, and some are arguably good but Art is an expression of oneself. Obviously a nice oil painting that took dedication and hardwork is better than, for example, a wall that has simply had paint splashed upon it. But society and general perception drives whats good and bad - and that is general opinion.

Murderers are "bad" because they kill people, yet soldiers are "good" because they save people (while they are doing just the same by killing). That is a general perception that society holds. If you're a soldier killing people day after day, you're essentially a murderer but general opinion would say you're a "hero". Thus soldiers are "good."
The point I'm making is that these 'measurements' are essentially general measurements based on a general perspective and that is created via general opinion. They were never there to being with, but people created them. Therefore all art is subject to opinion - and society deems what is good or bad in that regard.

If no one had ever liked Black Sabbath, they then wouldn't be considered a "good" band.
To Teh Grimarse:
I can agree with you, that an opinion of someone who doesn't like a particular style of music is almost always biased an unfair and in many cases ignorant.

For example my opinion on metalcore is relatively worthless because I don't care for the music - however, I am an open-minded person and have given the genre many chances to appeal to me and not once has it. Its the overall style of music that I particularily don't like - the elements that define the band as metalcore. I do not think that makes me ignorant. You can argue they are missing out, but its not much different from food in that not everyone has the same tastes.

However, describing those bands as talentless, shitty, pointless is a biased opinion and indeed ignorant - but not everyone likes every form of music. There is not a single band out there that disputes the fact that not everyone will enjoy their music. Hypothetically, everyone could potentially enjoy every form of music and every band should they want to - but that will never happen.
I fully endorse all of Grimace's posts here. He is 100% right. If you completely reject an entire genre than you are guilty. Like he said, there is good rap, there is good country, there is good pop, there is good emo, and there is good metalcore. Entire genres cannot ever be good or bad. Nu metal is an excellent example of this -- it has it's shit and it's gold, like every genre