Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

Appreciate the rec Mr. Women Can't Sing In Metal Bands but after 2 minutes of no variation or development I'm inclined to think VelociBrad might be right about Falkenbach.

VelociBrad - thanks for the tip.

Einherjar I like what you posted!
Appreciate the rec Mr. Women Can't Sing In Metal Bands but after 2 minutes of no variation or development I'm inclined to think VelociBrad might be right about Falkenbach.

VelociBrad - thanks for the tip.

Einherjar I like what you posted!

wow, 2 minutes of one song doesn't suit your fancy so you dismiss the entire discography. cool.

and I never said women can't sing in metal bands. seriously, if you don't get it by now...then you don't get it. there's nothing I can do.

And for the record Falkenbach is great.
Is this really a music discussion?

It seems like it has gone only personal when people disrespect Falkenbach after having namedropped tons of cheesy bands...

Ancient Rites? Seriously...

I listen to cheese once in a while too but Falkenbach is one of the best pagan/viking/folk bands out there.
Is this really a music discussion?

It seems like it has gone only personal when people disrespect Falkenbach after having namedropped tons of cheesy bands...

Ancient Rites? Seriously...

I listen to cheese once in a while too but Falkenbach is one of the best pagan/viking/folk bands out there.

I like Falkenbach, but Ancient Rites is fucking awesome; frankly, I don't see how you enjoy one and not the other.
I don't think the music is bad at all but I think its formulaic and boring. Nothing at all stands out on this album.

Falkenback has a completely different atmosphere and sound and I have a hard time finding the comparison?
Perhaps that wasn't a good Falkenbach song, I cannot really dismiss the entire discography unless I've heard it. The song Uneasy_Conscience posted was not interesting at all and I thought that was a pretty weak opening to a song.

I listened to some Manegarm last night, really liked it. They reminded me a little of Windir at times, and the folky/acoustic parts were refreshingly not cheesy at all.
I don't think the music is bad at all but I think its formulaic and boring. Nothing at all stands out on this album.

Falkenback has a completely different atmosphere and sound and I have a hard time finding the comparison?

Completely different atmospheres, I agree; I just meant in the quality of music, which we apparently disagree on. I find Ancient Rites to be one of the better, more intense and "tribal" blackened folk/viking metal bands.
Uneasy Conscience has a fucking point, unfortunately he has made too much of a broad generalization which could possibly include a whole gang of bands who really do have artistic integrity without having a simple marketing ploy. But seriously I think that most people here are just ragging on him because krampus is, and that is simply fucking asslicking.

But women have been tools for sales since the 80's in metal, prime example being Cycle Sluts from Hell (who didn't even play their own shit, but got all the credit for it)
I couldn't give a shit what Krampus says to the guy. His post was completely ridiculous, and anybody agreeing with him is just as dumb. "dur if a metal band has a pretty girl they have no integrity! herp derp im a personal trainer I should know!"
I don't think they're asslicking, I think they're agreeing with me because I am right in thinking that the things Uneasy_Conscience says are bigoted.

It's one thing to say "Lots of bands use hot chicks to sell stuff." It's an entirely different thing to say "I can't take any metal band with an attractive female member/frontwoman seriously because the integrity of the band is destroyed when they let a hot chick join, even if said hot chick were writing all the material and their music were good."

Also WTF Cycle Sluts From Hell?! I've never heard of that but it sounds really silly.
ok this will hopefully be the last thing ill post on this because i have way too much work to do.

Krampus or anyone else:

If Angela Gassow or Cristina Scabbia had the exact same voices as they do now or did when they were asked to join their respective bands, but they were each 250 pounds and hideously ugly, why are the chances they would have been brought into the groups? You know the chances: they're 0.

Now please tell me why this is. That's all I am asking.

Krampus, for the last time, I really can't believe you think death metal is a neutral playing field. It's absurd. Should it be? Perhaps - who knows? But is it? Of course not.
I couldn't give a shit what Krampus says to the guy. His post was completely ridiculous, and anybody agreeing with him is just as dumb. "dur if a metal band has a pretty girl they have no integrity! herp derp im a personal trainer I should know!"

My comment about being a PT had nothing to do with women in metal bands. Learn how to read, you fucking idiot.
I never said death metal was a neutral playing field, MeatRoid. In fact I have mentioned several times that metal is a male-dominated genre.

If Gossow and Scabbia were ugly hambeasts with the same voices, they would be allowed in the bands but given fewer photoshoots/"strongly encouraged" to diet and get hotter.
lol at calling the mod a 21 year old virgin and following it up with more rampant, illogical generalizations. you're a winner dude.