Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

Once you start thinking that the influences behind the art are separate from the product of the art itself, you're adhering to the mantra of 'ignorance is bliss' that really is kind of pathetic. If I see something, I will undoubtedly see the influences in the work itself; what defined your vision will ultimately appear in your creations.

I'm not ignoring their ideals. I'm saying they're of little importance when it comes to assessing the aesthetic quality of the artwork itself. If you want to place a work within its historical framework and analyze its purpose and its thematic worth, then yes: knowing information about the artist and the composition of the work is important (nay, essential).

But for metal music (as well as other genres), the music is the most important aspect. When I decide whether or not a piece of music appeals to me (that is, as a piece of a music) I don't take into account whether or not I think the artist is a prick, whether or not the artist adheres to extreme left or right-wing ideals, whether or not the artist stabbed another man over twenty times, whether or not the artist is a God-fearing Christian, etc. The work of art on its own can evoke an entirely different response than the knowledge regarding the work.
I can't remember if I've posted in this thread before or not but my favourite folk metal band is probably russian Arkona.

Skyclad are good but they piss me off sometimes, I really have to be in the mood for them.
Arkona is good stuff.

Been listening to Bran Barr lately, as well as their side project Nydvind, which I possibly enjoy even more. They probably belong more in the black metal thread, but they get pretty folky at times.

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This is my favorite Pagan band.They comes from Germany.The band is so mystical,because they have never a live gig.
finster_fürstin;9195103 said:
This is my favorite Pagan band.They comes from Germany.The band is so mystical,because they have never a live gig.

Very nice. Bergthron are awesome. Especially the album you pictured & the one in your avatar.
Ensiferum went straight downfall after Petri replaced Jari, Victory Songs fucking sucks- Although victory song is the only song that's good on the album, it still sucks compared to the previous work of the band. Last one was not that bad as VS, had some good songs. Still expecting nothing more from Petriferum.