Your last purchase??





If you like planet x you will love it!!!

He loves Planet X does Noble Savage, oh yes... :p

I've ordered:

Adagio- Dominate
Adagio- Underworld
Beyond Twilight- The Art Of Love And The Making
Outworld- Outworld
Zero Hour- Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond
Zero Hour- Towers Of Avarice

also an acoustic / fusion album Jason Truby- Waiting On The Wind

can't wait to get my hands on this stuff! :D

Forgot to put Sun Caged- Artemisia on there... ;)

@ Swabs: Sweet Ayreon tshirt! :cool:
Buncha vinyl...

Armored Saint - March of the Saint, Delirious Nomad, Raising Fear
Dio - Sacred Heart
Rainbow - On Stage

Just got on ebay and need to pay for:
Digger - Stronger than Ever
Judas Priest - Point of Entry
Queensryche - Operation:Mindcrime
Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons

Bidding on a few others as well. Crossin' the fingers.
Just bought:

-new earrings (but I'm eating beef jerky right now, so it's ok)
-Dixie Dregs Live at the Montreaux dvd (watching it now, loving it so far)

I'm just about to make a final decision for a wah pedal, so that'll be one to add to this list sometime tomorrow hopefully